Category Archives: Conferences

ALA Annual 2008: best bets for metadata librarians & call for bloggers

Below is a list of digital library-friendly sessions for Annual 2008. Planning to attend a session or already reporting on a session? Think about blogging it here! If you would like to blog any of the sessions, please contact Kristin … Continue reading

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Call for Proposals for NRMIG Program at Annual

ALCTS NRMIG (Networked Resources and Metadata Interest Group) invites your proposal to participate in a program on workflow tools for digital libraries, to take place at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, July 9-15, 2009. Please note that the deadline … Continue reading

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OCLC — “Solutions for digitizing and managing documents and newspapers”

OCLC — “Solutions for digitizing and managing documents and newspapers” Sunday, January 21, 2007 Washington State Convention & Trade Center, Room 620 > Digitization > Content conversion – OCR – Keying – XML markup – PDF with hidden text – … Continue reading

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Lorcan Dempsey — “Moving to the network level: discovery and disclosure”

Lorcan Dempsey Vice President and Chief Strategist, OCLC “Moving to the network level: discovery and disclosure” ALCTS 2007 Midwinter Symposium: “Definitely digital: an exploration of the future of knowledge on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of ALCTS” Jan. 19, … Continue reading

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Meg Bellinger — “Library collections and technical services in the digital age: perspectives and predictions for the profession at the half-century mark”

Meg Bellinger Associate University Librarian, Yale University “Library Collections and Technical Services in the Digital Age: Perspectives and Predictions for the Profession at the Half-Century Mark” For ALCTS 2007 Midwinter Symposium: “Definitely digital: an exploration of the future of … Continue reading

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RDA Update Forum at ALA annual meeting

This session contained a number of important nuggets of information that catalogers & managers will want to know: The release date of the final full draft of RDA is now October 2008 (not August). There will be 3 months for … Continue reading

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ALA Write-Ups from Around the Internet

This post includes links to write-ups on other blogs, as well as on this blog, to consolidate them all into one place. I just went back and reviewed the post before ALA and here’s what I could find. If you’ve … Continue reading

Posted in ALA Annual 2008 | 1 Comment

NRMIG Meeting at ALA Annual, Sunday June 28, 2008, 8-10 AM

The first half of the Networked Resources and Metadata Interest Group meeting was a discussion of competencies for metadata librarians, which was generated by Erin Stahlberg earlier in the year. The full discussion questions are listed here. Leading the Discussion … Continue reading

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Metadata Mashup: Creating and Publishing Application Profiles

ALCTS Program at the 2008 Annual Conference Metadata Mashup: Creating and Publishing Application Profiles *Slides are currently available or will be available at: This One is Just Right: Metadata Design and Implementation at the University of Maryland Jennifer O’Brien … Continue reading

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