ALCTS Forum: “Collecting Free Web Resources.”

Collection Management and Development Section Forum
Sunday, Jan. 24: 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM, Grand Hyatt Denver, Maroon Peak
Blogger: Melanie Wacker

This discussion forum was a follow-up to the ALCTS e-forum that was held in November 2008.

Melanie Wacker moderated the forum and also gave an introductory overview. This included the issues that have to be considered when archiving or cataloging free Web resources, as well as a summary of the e-forum.

Tracy Seneca of the California Digital Archive was the first speaker. Her presentation covered a wide range of issues: The Web Archiving Service (which will become publicly available in summer 2009), tools and vendors available for Web archiving (including Archive-it, CONTENTdm, and Web Curator Tool), workflow issues, the California State Government Documents Project, and the recommendations of the Section 108 Study Group regarding the legal basis for Web archiving.

Alex Thurman of Columbia University Libraries gave a report on a Mellon funded planning grant for establishing a workflow integrating free Web resources into library collections. He described the use of as a selection tool and his experiences with Archive-it as an archiving tool, as well as future plans for this project.
The metadata collected in has been mapped into MARC for integration into the library catalog and will be uploaded from there to OCLC.
Thurman recommended to perform at the minimum one quality controlled crawl for all sites that were selected for being in-scope of the collection. Regular re-crawls should be scheduled for all sites that are determined to have high priority.

The presentations were followed by a very lively discussion.

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ALA Midwinter 2009: best bets for metadata librarians & call for bloggers

Below is a list of digital library-friendly sessions for Midwinter 2009. Planning to attend a session or already reporting on a session? Think about blogging it here! If you would like to blog any of the sessions, please contact Kristin Martin at with your name, e-mail address, and preferred session. Fuller descriptions, when available, are listed at the end or linked to. See a section not on here that you think would be of interest? Suggest it!

FRBR Interest Group (Description Below)
Friday, Jan. 23: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM; Colorado Convention Center, RM 205

Cataloging and Classification Section Forum (Description below)
“FRBR and RDA: a Glimpse into the Future of Cataloging and Public Displays.”
Friday, Jan. 23: 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM; Colorado Convention Center, Korbel Ballroom 3C

Electronic Resources Management Interest Group
Friday, Jan. 23: 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM; Ritz Carlton Denver, Salon 3

Cataloging Issues Disc. Group
Saturday, Jan. 24: 8 AM – 10 AM; Crowne Plaza Denver City Center, Office

Intellectual Access to Preservation Metadata Interest Group
Saturday, Jan. 24: 8 AM – 10 AM; Sheraton Denver Hotel, Gold

MARC Formats Interest Group
Saturday, Jan. 24: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM; Colorado Convention Center, RM 501

Electronic Resources Interest Group Meeting
Saturday, Jan. 24: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM; Ritz Carlton Denver, Salon 3

Catalog Form and Function Interest Group
Saturday, Jan. 24: 10:30-12:00 PM; Grand Hyatt Denver, Maroon Peak

Cataloging Norms Interest Group
Saturday, Jan. 24: 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM; Colorado Convention Center, RM 703

Catalog Management Interest Group (Description below)
Saturday, Jan. 24: 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM; The Curtis, Keep-Away

Emerging Technology Interest Group
Saturday, Jan. 24: 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM; Sheraton Denver Hotel, Colorado

Standards Interest Group
Saturday, Jan. 24: 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM; Grand Hyatt Denver, Maroon Peak

Networked Resources and Metadata Interest Group
Sunday, Jan. 25: 8 AM – 10 AM: Colorado Convention Center, Korbel Ballroom 4F

Cataloging Issues Disc. Group
Sunday, Jan. 25: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM; Hyatt Regency Denver, Captial Ballroom 7

Resource Description and Access (RDA) Update Forum
“Resource Description and Access (RDA) Update.”
Sunday, Jan. 25: 10:30 AM–12:30 PM; Colorado Convention Center, Korbel Ballroom 3C.

Authority Control Interest Group Issue Updates & Business Meetings
Sunday, Jan. 25: 1:30 PM – 5:30 PM; Grand Hyatt Denver, Mt. Sopris

Collection Management and Development Section Forum
Focus on collecting free Web resources
Sunday, Jan. 24: 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM, Grand Hyatt Denver, Maroon Peak
Blogger: Melanie Wacker

This discussion forum was a follow-up to the ALCTS e-forum that was held in November 2008.

Melanie Wacker moderated the forum and also gave an introductory overview. This included the issues that have to be considered when archiving or cataloging free Web resources, as well as a summary of the e-forum.

Tracy Seneca of the California Digital Archive was the first speaker. Her presentation covered a wide range of issues: The Web Archiving Service (which will become publicly available in summer 2009), tools and vendors available for Web archiving (including Archive-it, CONTENTdm, and Web Curator Tool), workflow issues, the California State Government Documents Project, and the recommendations of the Section 108 Study Group regarding the legal basis for Web archiving.

Alex Thurman of Columbia University Libraries gave a report on a Mellon funded planning grant for establishing a workflow integrating free Web resources into library collections. He described the use of as a selection tool and his experiences with Archive-it as an archiving tool, as well as future plans for this project.
The metadata collected in has been mapped into MARC for integration into the library catalog and will be uploaded from there to OCLC.
Thurman recommended to perform at the minimum one quality controlled crawl for all sites that were selected for being in-scope of the collection. Regular re-crawls should be scheduled for all sites that are determined to have high priority.

The presentations were followed by a very lively discussion.

The Next Generation Catalog Interest Group
Sunday, Jan. 25: 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM; Colorado Convention Center, RM 110

RDA Implementation Task Force
Sunday, Jan. 25: 4:00 – 5:30 PM; Grand Hyatt Denver, Mt. Evans

Program for Cooperative Cataloging Participants Meeting (Description below)
Sunday, Jan. 25: 4:00 – 5:30 PM; in the Colorado Convention Center, RM 201

Heads of Cataloging Interest Group
Monday, Jan. 26: 8 AM – 10 AM; Denver Marriott City Center, Denver Ballroom III

Continuing Resources Cataloging Committee Update Forum (Description Below)
Monday, Jan. 26: 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM; Colorado Convention Center, Korbel Ballroom 3C



FRBR Interest Group
10:30: Welcome & introductions, Rice Majors, Innovative Interfaces

10:40: Developing a FRBR-Based System to Effectively Support User Tasks, Yin Zhang and Athena Salaba, School of Library and Information Science, Kent State University

In this presentation, we will share some results from our ongoing IMLS-funded FRBR project ( Specifically, progress in the following areas will be covered:
(1) identifying key issues in FRBR development;
(2) user study and evaluation of existing FRBR systems and online catalogs;
(3) FRBRization of a large library collection using the OCLC Workset Algorithm; and
(4) a plan to develop a FRBR-based catalog.

11:00: Designing Future Systems and Taking Advantage of FRBR and RDA – a preview, Barbara Tillett, Library of Congress

This will be a short preview of a longer presentation Barbara is giving for the CCS Program on Friday afternoon on designing future systems that will take advantage of FRBR and RDA (RDA’s Scenario 1) – where we envision this going.

11:15 FRBR Update from VTLS,John Espley, VTLS Inc.

VTLS will give an update on their FRBR implementation.

11:35-12:00: Questions & answers with the presenters, and general discussion time

Cataloging and Classification Section Forum

FRBR and RDA: a glimpse into the future of cataloging and public
displays. Our speakers will address how RDA and the FRBRized catalog
will better support user tasks and streamline the cataloging
environment. The panel will discuss research on the next generation of
cataloging and the experiments with the next-generation ILS/ OPACs.

Panel / Presentations include:

Barbara Tillett, Chief of the Cataloging Policy and Support Office,
Library of Congress, Diane Vizine-Goetz, Senior Research Scientist, OCLC
Roland McDonald (Indiana University) and Marshall Breeding (Vanderbilt):
OLE project Jon Espley, Principal Librarian, VTLS


The ALCTS CCS Catalog Management Interest Group invites you to come and
participate in a lively discussion on emerging issues in catalog
management. Issues and Speakers include:

“The Merger of the Catalogs of the Michigan State University Libraries and
the Library of Michigan”

In the 1990s, Michigan State University Libraries and the Library of
Michigan merged their catalogs into one central catalog. This presentation
will review the creation of the shared catalog, some of the special
catalog needs of each institution, particular challenges faced in keeping
a shared catalog, and how these challenges have been addressed.

Speaker: Joshua P. Barton
Serials Cataloging Librarian
Bibliographer for Philosophy
Michigan State University Libraries

“E-Books: Cataloging, Access and Maintenance”

This presentation will discuss criteria used to determine the University
of Houston’s approach to cataloging electronic book collections, with a
focus on various issues raised by vendor-supplied records, solutions to
these issues, and workflow for batch cataloging e-books using MarcEdit.
Also included will be e-book cataloging maintenance work and
recommendations to vendors.

Speaker: Annie Wu
University of Houston Libraries


PCC Participants Meeting

“Metadata Quality: What End Users and Librarians Want”

Karen Calhoun and Janet Hawk of OCLC will report the results and recommendations from a large-scale 2008 study they have conducted with their OCLC colleagues. The study sought to ascertain the similarities and differences in how various end user groups and librarians define metadata quality. The speakers will discuss the implications of the research results for current acquisitions and cataloging policies, practices, and workflows.


Continuing Resources Cataloging Committee Update Forum
Updates on current news and events from

* CONSER Coordinator Les Hawkins
* ISSN Coordinator Regina Romano Reynolds
* The continuing Resources Section’s Liaison to CC:DA, Jenniifer Lang

and then a special program: Working with Vendor-Supplied Records,
a joint presentation by

* Peter McCracken, Co-Founder and Director of Research at Serials Solutions
* Steven Shadle, Serials Access Librarian at the University of Washington

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Your Input is Wanted! NRMIG Midwinter Discussion

Networked Resources and Metadata Interest Group
Discussion and Business Meeting
1/25/2009 Sunday
08:00 am – 10:00 am (Discussion from approximately 8:00-9:15)
CCC Korbel Ballroom 4F
Topic: Taxonomy Development

The discussion will be led by Laura Dorricott, Project Delivery Manager of Taxonomy Services for Dow Jones Client Solutions. We invite you to participate in this discussion, also to stay afterward for the business portion of the NRMIG meeting.

Laura is requesting information about topics of interest and/or questions in advance. Please leave a comment on this blog post that contains your thoughts, interests, and questions on taxonomy development and related issues in general or in your library. That way Laura can incorporate them into her presentation and we can be sure to include them in the discussion. Thank you!

Posted in ALA Midwinter 2009 | 3 Comments

ALA Annual 2008: best bets for metadata librarians & call for bloggers

Below is a list of digital library-friendly sessions for Annual 2008. Planning to attend a session or already reporting on a session? Think about blogging it here! If you would like to blog any of the sessions, please contact Kristin Martin at with your name, e-mail address, and preferred session. Fuller descriptions, when available, are listed below for sessions without fuller descriptions elsewhere on the Web. See a section not on here that you think would be of interest? Suggest it!

FRBR Interest Group
Friday, June 27: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM; Anaheim Convention Center, Room: 203 B American

Electronic Resources Management Interest Group
Friday, June 27: 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM; Anaheim Convention Center in 203 A

Cataloging and Classification Research Discussion Group
Saturday, June 28: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM; Doubletree/Anaheim Convention Center in Tuscany C

Electronic Resources Interest Group
Saturday June 28: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM; Disneyland Hotel in Adventure Room
ALCTS (Description below)

RDA Update Forum
Saturday, June 28: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM; Anaheim Marriott in Salon E
Blogger: Lisa Robinson

Catalog Management Discussion Group
Saturday, June 28: 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM; Hyatt Regency Orange County in Grand B
Blogger: Mary Aycock

Cataloging Norm Discussion Group
Saturday, June 28: 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM; Hilton Anaheim in Malibu
ALCTS/CCS (Description below)

Metadata Mashup: Creating and Publishing Application Profiles
Saturday, June 28: 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm; Anaheim Convention Center in 204 B
Blogger: Sai Deng

There’s No Catalog Like No Catalog: The Ultimate Debate on the future of the Library Catalog
Saturday, June 28: 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm; Hyatt Regency Orange County in Grand A

MARC Formats Interest Group
Saturday, June 28: 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM: Doubletree/Anaheim Convention Center in Tuscany F

Getting Ready for RDA and FRBR: What You Need to Know
Saturday, June 28: 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm; Anaheim Convention Center in 204 B
Blogger: Amy McNeely

Creating the Future of the Catalog and Cataloging
Sunday, June 29: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm; Anaheim Convention Center in 204 B
Blogger: Glenda B. Claborne

Networked Resources and Metadata Interest Group
Sunday, June 29: 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM; Disneyland Hotel in No. Exhibit Hall Mtg. Rm. B
Blogger: Kristin Martin

You Know FRBR But Have You Ever Met FRAD?
Sunday, June 29: 1:30 pm – 5:30 pm; Anaheim Convention Center in 210 A-C
Blogger: Amy McNeely

Heads of Cataloging Discussion Group
Monday, June 30: 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM; Anaheim Convention Center in 207 D

Emerging Technology Interest Group
Monday, June 30: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM; Anaheim Convention Center in 207 D

Next Generation Catalog Interest Group
Monday June 30: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM; Anaheim Convention Center in 213 C

Continuing Resources Cataloging Committee Annual Update Forum
Monday June 30: 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM; Anaheim Convention Center in 304 A/B

Institutional Repositories: New Roles for Acquisitions
Monday June 30: 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM; Hyatt Regency Orange County in Grand A

Map Cataloging/GIS Metadata Cross Walk

Monday, June 30: 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Collaborative Digital Initiatives: Show and Tell and Lessons Learned
Monday, June 30: 1:30 PM – 5:30 PM; Hyatt Regency Orange County in Grand B-D


Electronic Resources Management Interest Group
ERMing for a Consortium: Are We There Yet?
Are there successful Electronic Resources Management systems (ERMs) implementation models for consortia? What are vendors doing to improve their systems to be deployed at the consortium level? What works? What doesn’twork? What needs to be done for libraries to explore this option to integrate and implement an ERM at the consortium level? What is the needed functionality? The program provides three perspectives on the topic: the vendor, the consortium, and the librarian.
Jeff Aipperspach, Product Manager, Serials Solutions
Ted Fons, Director of Customer Services, Innovative Interfaces Inc.
Rick Burke, Executive Director, Statewide California Electronic Library
Tommy Keswick, Membership Services Coordinator, Statewide California
Electronic Library Consortium
Angela Riggio, Head of Digital Collection Management, Digital Collections
Services, UCLA

Cataloging Norms Discussion Group
The meeting will begin with Jina Choi Wakimoto?s (Faculty Director, Cataloging and Metadata Services Dept. University of Colorado at Boulder) “Scope of the Library Catalog in Time of Transition.”
There has been a flurry of healthy discussions and debates about the future
of cataloging and the catalog, from FRBR and RDA on cataloging rules (focus on content) to next-generation discovery interfaces on the catalog (focus on carrier). A segment that is not receiving as much attention in the midst is the scope of the library catalog. Library catalog can be viewed as the Web in the local context. This presentation offers an opinion on the scope of the catalog in a research library, the role of the catalogers in this time of transition and some practical approaches catalogers can take to reposition the catalog.

Next, Elaine L. Westbrooks (Head of Metadata Services, Cornell University Libraries) will present “Access, Fear, and Change: Bringing Catalogers along in the Non-MARC Metadata Arena.”
According to On the Record: Report of The Library of Congress Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control, the future of cataloging will be shaped by the way in which we redefine bibliographic control and the bibliographic universe. Redefining these critical concepts would require library administrators and catalogers to abandon the prevailing system of cataloging. For administrators, the use of fear to instigate change (while ignoring the shortcomings of MARC encoding and the poorly constructed integrated library system) within technical services has been a widely implemented yet largely ineffective- hence a paradigm shift away from fear to use of positive incentives for change is necessary. For the cataloger, the shift from perfecting the MARC record has taken place in many institutions however, the sense of accomplishment that could be gained from creating access and facilitating discovery require a paradigm shift that would highlight the connection between the cataloger and the end-user. The purpose of this talk is to discuss methods by which this paradigm shift can be cultivated within research libraries to begin thinking about a new
system of cataloging which can be less resource intensive and one that focuses on the user.

The final presentation will be “A California Adventure: WorldCat Local and Next-Generation Cataloging,” presented by John Riemer (Head, UCLA Library Cataloging & Metadata Center) and Linda Barnhart (Head, Metadata Services Department, UCSD Libraries).
WorldCat Local implementation could bring major technological and sociological changes to cataloging work. The University of California libraries released their union catalog on the WorldCat Local platform on May 27, 2008. John and Linda will present some of the key lessons learned from the implementation process as well as their thoughts about how this new product moves the profession toward next-generation cataloging.


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Call for Proposals for NRMIG Program at Annual

ALCTS NRMIG (Networked Resources and Metadata Interest Group) invites your proposal to participate in a program on workflow tools for digital libraries, to take place at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, July 9-15, 2009.

Please note that the deadline to submit a proposal has been extended to Friday November 21st.

With the increasing volume of digital content that libraries are creating and maintaining, long-term data curation is emerging as a key consideration for the profession. In order to support data preservation and re-use on a local level, as well as facilitate resource sharing, library professionals need practical tools to help them efficiently manage large volumes of data over time. What types of tools and techniques do you utilize to automate the creation and maintenance of metadata?

Presentations should focus on current practices and new technologies, and include concrete demonstrations and/or examples of automated workflow tools and techniques employed at a local level or in collaborative endeavors. Specific implementations may cover a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:
-Digital preservation of assets and collections
-Data production, or validation of metadata, to comply with a particular schema or protocol
-Data migration / interoperability across systems or applications
-Interoperability, data harvesting, e.g., for resource sharing
-Data production in distributed environments
-Open source or proprietary software tools
-Tips or techniques for working with particular standards and protocols

The program forum will be a panel, in which each participant has from 20-30 minutes to present, followed by a Q & A period at the end of the program. To submit a proposal for presentation, please email a brief description of your proposed topic to Joanna Burgess at by November 21, 2008.

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OCLC — “Solutions for digitizing and managing documents and newspapers”

OCLC — “Solutions for digitizing and managing documents and newspapers”
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Washington State Convention & Trade Center, Room 620

> Digitization

> Content conversion
– Keying
– XML markup
– PDF with hidden text
– Web-optimized images

> Presentation
– Single images
– Multi-page PDF
– Compound object
– Export to XML (METS, CDL XSLT)

> CDM features
– Full text search
– Highlighted words
– Clipping methods
– Reference URL

> Imports NEH/LC NDNP data formats
– Provide enhanced access to newspapers, building on USNP (US Newspaper Program)
– NEH will make awards to state projects to convert
– LC will develop and maintain American Chronicle to make freely available
– Slates can make available locally

> Newspaper enhancements
– JPEG2000
– Full text searching
– Article management
– Full article segment highlighting and extraction
+ Not part of NDNP program
+ Extra add-on process and add-on charges

> Example

Blogger: Paul Soderdahl

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Lorcan Dempsey — “Moving to the network level: discovery and disclosure”

Lorcan Dempsey
Vice President and Chief Strategist, OCLC
“Moving to the network level: discovery and disclosure”
ALCTS 2007 Midwinter Symposium: “Definitely digital: an exploration of the future of knowledge on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of ALCTS”
Jan. 19, 2007


The digital environment hasn’t merely changed people’s workflow, it has BECOME their workflow. This is true for us librarians, but especially for our patrons.

Our relationship with networked sources is part of that workflow. Hand in hand with unbundling is rebundling (of work processes).

Then: users built their workflow around the library. Now: The library must meet the patron in their workflow.

Then: Resources were scarce, centralized in library, and users’ attention was abundant. Now: Resources are abundant and decentralized, and our users’ attention/time are scarce.

Long tail information providers (like and Google) are successful because of the way that they aggregate the supply of information and resources: unified discovery: low transaction costs (for user). They spend BILLIONS getting into users’ workflow, with toolbars, one-click setups, etc.). And aggregation of demand: mobilizing large numbers of users over a unified set of resources, you DRIVE people down the long tail, ie. provide more information, more resources, in the long run.

How does this apply to libraries?

Continue reading

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