NRMIG meeting minutes, ALA Annual 2007

Networked Resources and Metadata Interest Group
June 24, 2007, 8:00-10:00 am
ALA Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.

Chair Brian Surratt called the meeting to order at 8:00. Today’s program includes two speakers, followed by a business meeting. Officers were introduced:
Brian Surratt, Chair
Louise Ratliff, Secretary
Michael Babinec and Holly Mercer, Program co-chairs
Jennifer Roper O’Brien and Jen Wolfe (not present), Publications
Jin Ma, Intern
Holly Long, LITA Liaison
Greta de Groat, Liaison to CC:DA

Louise introduced the two speakers:

Jane Greenberg, Associate Professor, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The DRIADE Repository project

Diane Hillmann, Research Librarian, Cornell University Library
RDA and Dublin Core

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NRMIG panel at 2008 ALA Midwinter Meeting

At Midwinter, NRMIG will be offering the following panel, which will be followed by our business meeting; all are welcome to attend. Thanks in advance to the speakers for agreeing to share their work with us, and to NRMIG members Joanna Burgess and Erin Stalberg for organizing the panel.

Networked Resources and Metadata Interest Group
Sunday, Jan. 13, 2008, 8:00-10:00 am
Four Seasons Philadelphia, Ballroom South

• Maureen Walsh, Ohio State University
Topic: Institutional Repository Metadata
• Amy Jackson ( & Myung-Ja Han), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Topic: Changes in Interoperability of Dublin Core Metadata Records Over Time
• Kristin Martin, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Topic: Building a Collection of Electronic Theses and Dissertations: Metadata Issues and Lessons Learned

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ALCTS CCS Cataloging Norms Discussion Group — “How catalogers and system developers work creatively with metadata”

ALCTS CCS Cataloging Norms Discussion Group — “How Catalogers and System Developers Work Creatively with Metadata”
Washington State Convention & Trade Cent room: Room 615
Saturday, 1/20/2007, 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM

The Cataloging Norms Discussion Group consisted of three separate presentations. First, Terry Reese (Digital Production Unit Head, Oregon State University Libraries) presented “Institutional Repositories: Dspace MARC record generation.” The majority of the presentation discussed MarcEdit, a tool developed by Terry that was developed out of the need to create MARC records from Dublin Core records for electronic student theses. MarcEdit consists of two components: an OAI harvester that resolves character encoding issues and uses XSLT to convert records between Dublin Core and MARC; and a macro engine that looks very much like OML and checks records to filter out subject headings that are not based on LCSH and corrects date and other data formatting differences between the Dublin Core record and MARC requirements. For those institutions that have a need to convert records between metadata schemes, this would be a very good tool to streamline the process and enable staff to work on other projects than records conversion.

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NRMIG meeting minutes, ALA Midwinter 2007

Networked Resources and Metadata Interest Group
Minutes, January 21, 2007

Brian Surratt (Chair) called the meeting to order shortly after 8:00 a.m.
He introduced the officers and explained that the meeting will consist of an informal discussion followed by a business meeting.

The CC:DA Liaison Report was given before the discussion, as Greta de Groat needed to leave for another meeting.
• CC:DA reviewed the draft of a consolidated ISBD. They were a little baffled about what their comments are supposed to be. RDA chapters 6, 7 and 3 comments were submitted.
• Greta mentioned the committee’s “crisis of confidence” about RDA development; they suggested that the Joint Steering Committee do a top-down approach, hire additional staff, use other standards besides AACR2 as models.
• Apparently other countries don’t reflect the concerns of ALA on the JSC.
• Next steps: revise Chapter 3 & part of 4 (March). Chapters 6, 7 June; part B later in year.
• Online draft prototype

Panel Discussion on Issues Related to Metadata Creation and Management
Panelists and their presentations:

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Midwinter Metadinner

NRMIG members exchanged personal and professional data at Seattle’s Palace Kitchen restaurant during ALA Midwinter 2007. After dinner, a subset migrated to nearby Shorty’s bar for beer and pinball.

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James Hilton — “Scholarship in the digital age: opportunities and challenges”

Dr. James Hilton
Vice President and Chief Information Officer, University of Virginia
“Scholarship in the digital age: opportunities and challenges”
Keynote for ALCTS 2007 Midwinter Symposium: “Definitely digital: an exploration of the future of knowledge on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of ALCTS”
Jan. 19, 2007

>> Assumptions
A healthy publishing environment is the medium through which we collaborate across time and place and is as necessary to scholarship as air is to life. Inherent tensions between publishers and libraries. Often universities are seen as not caring about publishing world. We absolutely have a stake. Scholarship can’t exist in absence of publishing.

If it’s not online, it won’t be read – though it won’t necessarily be read online.

If this were a pregnancy we would be in the third trimester: urgency; pain; hope; fear; inevitability; and some question about who the parents are.

Two framings of the future:
1. New dawn: beautiful sunrise, new opportunity
2. Perfect storm: the end of everything we know
Wants us to play in this space. The disruptive influences of technology in libraries and some of the opportunities that come from this disruption

>> “Disruptive” forces
1. The emergence of the “pure property” view of ideas
2. Technology and unbundling
3. Shift from “producer push” to “demand pull”
4. The arrival of “ubiquitous access”

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ALCTS NRMIG panel — “Issues related to metadata creation and management”

ALCTS Networked Resources and Metadata Interest Group
Sunday, January 21, 2007
8:00 A.M.-9:30 A.M. Panel Discussion | 9:30 A.M.-10:00 A.M. Business Meeting
Washington State Convention & Trade Center, Room 310

Panel Discussion on Issues Related to Metadata Creation and Management

Panelists and their presentations are:

>> Diane Hillmann
Research Librarian
Cornell University
Metadata management and updating in institutional environments: problems and potential solutions. Describing the “Metadata Management Layer” that any institution pushing content should be thinking about.

[Note: MD is my abbreviation for metadata.]

NSDL (National Science Digital Library) was the source of this work with metadata aggregation, which dealt with “stuff” people had created over the past decade.

Characteristics of library digital projects (grant based, frozen in time, content maintained in a variety of systems & not optimized for MD management) The application layer tried to coordinate access to all this material ( a big bandaide).
The MD remains static. These little silos were each different (images, text) and each had different MD.

Our tendency is to think that MD problems need to be solved at the provider end. But that doesn’t fit with reality (we already have this stuff, and some doesn’t fit into that environment). That worked in the MARC world but not in this one.

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