Call For Presentations, ALA Annual 2016: “Diverse and inclusive metadata: Developing cultural competencies in descriptive practices”

The ALCTS Metadata Interest Group seeks presentation proposals for the program “Diverse and inclusive metadata: Developing cultural competencies in descriptive practices” during the 2016 ALA Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida. This program is scheduled to take place on Sunday, June 26, at 4:30pm.  Presentations are 30 minutes in total — 20 minutes for the presentation, 10 minutes for questions.

Program details:

Digital items can be misrepresented when the people cataloging them don’t have a background in the cultural contexts from which they originate. How are metadata creators developing methods to encourage the creation of metadata that represents diverse points of view? How does using sources of authority control such as LCSH contribute to misrepresentation of cultural heritage materials? This program provides a discussion venue for ideas to promote cultural competencies and inclusivity in the metadata process.

Potential topics could include:

  • Strategies for evaluating inclusivity or exclusivity of metadata
  • Tools and educational resources for developing inclusive metadata
  • Strategies for working with diverse communities

Participants will be able to identify ways to increase cultural inclusiveness of their metadata, leading to enhanced description and better representation.

Thinking of presenting but have questions about the process? Join Anna and Liz at Google Hangouts on November 13th from 12:00-1:00 MT: on November 20th from 12:00-1:00 MT:

The deadline for proposals is Nov. 21, 2015.  Proposals may be submitted through this form :

If you have any difficulties with this form, please feel free to submit your proposals directly by email to or .

Thank you!
ALCTS Metadata Interest Group Programming Chairs:
Liz Woolcott, Utah State University
Anna Neatrour, University of Utah

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ALCTS Virtual Preconference

Planning for the Evolving Role of Metadata Services

June 2–4, 2015. Three 90 minute sessions over three days

The ALCTS Metadata Interest Group invites you to join us for the ALCTS ALA Annual Virtual Preconference “Planning for the Evolving Role of Metadata Services.” The preconference will feature three days of exploring the expansion of metadata services, including:

Session 1: Metadata Services for Research Data Management (June 2)

Librarians continue to engage in active partnerships with researchers who seek assistance in describing and organizing their data to meet federal mandates and to promote the discoverability and preservation of their work. This session will examine different ways that librarians collaborate with researchers to manage metadata workflows for research data.

Research Data Support at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG): a Metadata Perspective
Presented by Anna Craft, Metadata Cataloger at UNCG

Using DDI Metadata to Support Research Data Management
Presented by Jared Lyle, Director of Curation Services, ICPSRMetadata Services for Research Data Management

Session 2: Assessing Metadata Staffing and Workflows (June 3)

Many metadata programs have moved beyond the beginning stages of developing workflows for digital library content. Planning for future development requires analyzing current costs and workflows. This program will discuss ways in which metadata creators and coordinators gather, assess, and report metrics in order to evaluate staffing and workflows.

Evolving Workflows for Metadata Ingest at The UC San Diego Library
Presented by Arwen Hutt, Metadata Librarian, UC San Diego

Integrating New Services into Existing Metadata Workflows
Presented by Nathan B. Putnam and Bria L. Parker, Metadata Services, University of Maryland

Session 3: Techniques and Technologies for Developing Local Controlled Vocabularies (June 4)

Best practices for managing local controlled vocabularies have grown rapidly in recent years with the development of standards such as the Encoded Archival Context-Corporate Bodies, Person and Families (EAC-CPF). These guidelines have influenced not only the development of special collections practices, but also metadata standards for localized controlled vocabularies. How should institutions handle these changes to stay up to date with new and emerging standards? This program will look at two cases studies from the University of Miami Libraries and the George Washington University Libraries that demonstrate technology and techniques for managing local controlled vocabularies and implementing EAC-CPF.

Special Collections, Special Thesauri: Managing and Publishing Local Vocabularies with TemaTres
Presented by Allison Jai O’Dell, Special Collections Cataloging & Metadata Librarian, University of Miami Libraries

Encoded Archival Context-Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families and Washingtoniana Collections: A Pilot Project at the George Washington University Libraries
Presented by Dan Tam Do, Metadata Services Managers, George Washington University Libraries

Registration Fees (series of 3 sessions)
$109 for ALCTS members
$149 for nonmembers
$ 50 for retired members and student members

Single session registration is also available. See Web site for more information.

Follow the conversation on Twitter: #alctsac15

Posted in ALA Annual 2015, ALCTS Virtual Preconferences, Conferences | Leave a comment

ALA Midwinter Meeting 2015: Part II

“Linked Data Initiatives at NLM.” Nancy Fallgren and Barbara Bushman from the National Library of Medicine.

In January 2014, following an environmental scan of linked data at peer institutions and a survey of NLM’s “datascape”, NLM formed the Linked Data Infrastructure Working Group to investigate the potential for publishing NLM linked data, determine best practices for publishing NLM linked data, and prioritize linked data projects. The Working Group was charged to develop and build an infrastructure for transforming, storing and publishing NLM linked data beginning with transforming MeSH as a linked data pilot. This presentation will review the progress of our pilot project to convert MeSH XML to MeSH RDF. We will discuss our collaborative process, the technical and organizational issues we tackled, and the future of linked data at NLM.

The presentation slides are available through ALA Connect.

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ALA Midwinter Meeting 2015: Part I

“Breaking the Bottleneck: Automating the Reconciliation of Named Entities to the Library of Congress Name Authority File.” Jennifer Wright and Matt Carruthers from the University of Michigan Libraries

At the University of Michigan Libraries, we have developed an intuitive, straight-forward process for automating the reconciliation of named entities against the Library of Congress Name Authority File. Using OpenRefine and stable, publicly available APIs, the process automatically searches the Virtual International Authority File (VIAF) for matches to personal and corporate names, looks for a Library of Congress source authority record in the matching VIAF cluster, and extracts the authorized heading. The end result is a dataset, exportable from OpenRefine, with the corresponding authorized LCNAF heading paired with the original name heading, along with a link to the authority record on This process is automated and requires no programming knowledge or support from developers. Using this process, we have been able to reduce the time taken to reconcile name headings drastically.

In this presentation, we will lead attendees through the quick and easily generalizable process, and explain what is happening behind the scenes. We will also discuss the impact it has had on our local workflows, the limitations of the process, and detail how attendees can use this process themselves to aid in their authority control processes.

The slides for this presentation are available through ALA Connect.


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ALCTS Metadata Interest Group Session at ALA Midwinter 2015

The ALCTS Metadata Interest Group will hold a meeting at the ALA Midwinter in Chicago on Sunday, February 1, 2015 from 8:30 to 10am in McCormick Place West Room W176c.  The meeting will include two presentations.

Jennifer Wright and Matt Carruthers from the University of Michigan Libraries will present “Breaking the Bottleneck: Automating the Reconciliation of Named Entities to the Library of Congress Name Authority File.”

“At the University of Michigan Libraries, we have developed an intuitive, straight-forward process for automating the reconciliation of named entities against the Library of Congress Name Authority File.  Using OpenRefine and stable, publicly available APIs, the process automatically searches the Virtual International Authority File (VIAF) for matches to personal and corporate names, looks for a Library of Congress source authority record in the matching VIAF cluster, and extracts the authorized heading.  The end result is a dataset, exportable from OpenRefine, with the corresponding authorized LCNAF heading paired with the original name heading, along with a link to the authority record on  This process is automated and requires no programming knowledge or support from developers.  Using this process, we have been able to reduce the time taken to reconcile name headings drastically.

In this presentation, we will lead attendees through the quick and easily generalizable process, and explain what is happening behind the scenes.  We will also discuss the impact it has had on our local workflows, the limitations of the process, and detail how attendees can use this process themselves to aid in their authority control processes.”

Nancy Fallgren and Barbara Bushman from the National Library of Medicine will present “Linked Data Initiatives at NLM.”

“In January 2014, following an environmental scan of linked data at peer institutions and a survey of NLM’s “datascape”, NLM formed the Linked Data Infrastructure Working Group to investigate the potential for publishing NLM linked data, determine best practices for publishing NLM linked data, and prioritize linked data projects.  The Working Group was charged to develop and build an infrastructure for transforming, storing and publishing NLM linked data beginning with transforming MeSH as a linked data pilot.  This presentation will review the progress of our pilot project to convert MeSH XML to MeSH RDF.  We will discuss our collaborative process, the technical and organizational issues we tackled, and the future of linked data at NLM.”

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Call for Presentations: “Assessing Metadata Staffing and Workflows,” ALA Annual 2015 Virtual Preconference

Reminder – deadline is this Friday, Dec. 5.

The ALCTS Metadata Interest Group seeks presentation proposals for the program “Assessing Metadata Staffing and Workflows” during the ALCTS Virtual Preconference “Planning for the Evolving Role of Metadata Librarians” prior to the 2015 ALA Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA. This program is scheduled to take place during the week of June 1st (specific days during the week of June 1st will be determined at a later date in consultation with speaker availability).  Presentations are 30 minutes in total — 20 minutes for the presentation, 10 minutes for questions.

Many metadata programs have moved beyond the beginning stages of developing workflows for digital library content. Planning for future development requires analyzing current costs and workflows. This program will discuss ways in which metadata creators and coordinators gather, assess, and report metrics in order to evaluate staffing and workflows.

Potential topics could include:

  • determining adequate staffing needs
  • allocating staff time for current and new initiatives (such as data management or linked data projects)
  • conducting cost analysis for metadata creation
  • streamlining and automating workflows.

Participants will be able to find practical ways to assess staffing needs, to calculate metadata creation costs, and to track and measure workflows.

The deadline for proposals is December 5, 2014. Proposals may be submitted through this form:

If you have any difficulties with this form, please feel free to submit your proposals directly by email to

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Call for Presentations: “Metadata Services for Research Data Management,” ALA Annual 2015 Virtual Preconference

Reminder – deadline is this Friday, Dec. 5.

The ALCTS Metadata Interest Group seeks presentation proposals for the program “Metadata Services for Research Data Management” during the ALCTS Virtual Preconference “Planning for the Evolving Role of Metadata Librarians” prior to the 2015 ALA Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA. This program is scheduled to take place during the week of June 1st (specific days during the week of June 1st will be determined at a later date in consultation with speaker availability).  Presentations are 30 minutes in total — 20 minutes for the presentation, 10 minutes for questions.

Librarians continue to engage in active partnerships with researchers who seek assistance in describing and organizing their data to meet federal mandates and to promote the discoverability and preservation of their work.  This session will examine different ways that librarians collaborate with researchers to manage and curate research data.

Potential topics could include:

  • Creation of metadata workflows or tools for discipline-based metadata schema and repositories (internal and external)
  • Utilization of emerging metadata schema, including the semantic web, to describe research data
  • Implementation of metadata consultation services for researchers.

Participants will gain awareness of the current issues surrounding metadata services for research data management and identify different methods and approaches for working with researchers and the metadata they generate.

The deadline for proposals is December 5, 2014.  Proposals may be submitted through this form :

If you have any difficulties with this form, please feel free to submit your proposals directly by email to

Posted in ALA Annual 2015, Conferences | 1 Comment

Call for Proposals at ALA Midwinter 2015

The ALCTS Metadata Interest Group invites speakers to present at the ALA Midwinter meeting in Chicago on Sunday, February 1, 2015 from 8:30 to 10am. Presentations will be approximately 30 minutes, including Q&A.

Our charge is to provide a broad framework for information exchange on current research developments, tools, and activities affecting networked information resources and metadata; coordinate and actively participate in the development and review of standards concerning networked resources and metadata in conjunction with the divisions, committees and sections, other units within ALA, and relevant outside agencies; and develop programs and foster and sponsor education and training opportunities that contribute to and enhance an understanding of networked resources and metadata, their identity, content, technology, access, control, and use.

Suggested topics include but are not limited to:

• Methods for normalizing and crosswalking to different schema
• Tools for metadata librarians, including those for creation and/or transformation
• Implementing linked data locally
• Managing authority data for special collections
• Improving metadata for web standards and search engine optimization

Please email proposal abstracts to program co-chairs by Friday, October 31st, 2014.

Please contact us with questions.

Thank you!

Program co-chairs,

Santi Thompson
Head of Digital Repository Services, University of Houston Libraries
(713) 743-9685 |

Liz Woolcott
Digital Discovery Librarian, Utah State University
(435) 797-9458 |

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ALCTS Metadata IG ALA Annual 2014 Meeting: Slides

The slides are now available for all of the presentations that took place at ALA Annual 2014 Conference in Las Vegas. Here are the links:

Metadata Migration to Islandora: Is There an Easy Way? Presented by Sai Deng, Metadata Librarian and Associate Librarian, University of Central Florida Libraries

Discovering Isaac Leeser: Improving access to text collections with TEI markup Presented by Nicole Arbuckle, Vice President, Metadata Services, Backstage Library Works, and David McKnight, Director, Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania

Moving Beyond the “Back Room”: The Expanded Role for Metadata and Catalog Librarians On Campus Lisa McFall, Metadata and Catalog Librarian, Hamilton College

Consultative Metadata Services at Cornell University Library
Jason Kovari, Head of Metadata Services and Web Archivist, Humanities & Special Collections, Cornell University

Vocabularies for Open Access
Ben Showers, Head of Scholarly and Library Futures, Jisc

Update on NISO’s Open Access Metadata and Indicators Working Group
Nettie Lagace, Associate Director for Programs, National Information Standards Organization (NISO)

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Metadata and Indicators for Open Access

Saturday, June 28, 2014 – 10:30-11:30am
Las Vegas Convention Center, N253

Vocabularies for Open Access
Ben Showers, Head of Scholarly and Library Futures, Brettenham House

Open Access (OA) is an essential part of the scholarly communications ecosystem: From government mandates for publicly funded research through to the increasing reliance on open web searches to find and access scholarly content for students and researchers. For institutions and funding bodies, being able to track these research outputs is increasingly important, for institutional reputation, research enhancement and ensuring compliance with funding mandates. For students, researchers and the general public, it is important they are able to tell whether an article is available to read immediately, and, increasingly, what they can do with that article or content. The Jisc funded Vocabularies for Open Access (V4OA) project has been working with a wide variety of stakeholders such as NISO (National Information Standards Organisation), Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), Society of College and National University Libraries (SCONUL) and United Kingdom Council of Research Repositories (UKCoRR) to try and achieve a consensus on key vocabularies related to OA. The intention is firstly that V4OA to be, or form part of a standard or recognised international best practice on the description of open access research outputs and secondly that that these agreed vocabularies will be incorporated into key information systems thus allowing institutions and funders to capture and assess the nature and scale of Open Access ‘transactions’ across the scholarly landscape.

Update on NISO’s Open Access Metadata and Indicators Working Group
Nettie Legace, Associate Director for Programs, National Information Standards Organization (NISO)

The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) Open Access Metadata and Indicators Working Group was chartered in March 2013 to develop protocols and mechanisms for transmitting the access status of scholarly works, such as individual articles. The intent of the group has been to develop a standardized set of metadata elements in order to share accessibility and potential re-use rights, to clarify an environment where it is currently very difficult for stakeholders (funders, authors, librarians and users) to determine whether a given article is compliant with conditions and policies. The area in which it has worked is a contentious one, with many differing opinions among stakeholders on what constitutes “open access.” These elements developed as part of the group’s recommendations that the elements be machine readable to enable systems to intake the data and re-use it in whatever form is appropriate for its own context. The Working Group’s specification is expected to be finished with its public comment period and formally published in early 2014.

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