Call for Reporters at the 2018 ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans

ALCTS News is looking for volunteers to report on ALCTS preconferences, programs, and forums at the 2018 ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. Are you attending one of the sessions below? Would you like to share what you learn with the ALCTS community? Email Chelcie Rowell, editor of ALCTS News, at to volunteer to report on a session at Annual.

2018 ALA Annual Conference logo

Reports should summarize the session and highlight particularly valuable takeaways. If the session is not sponsored by ALCTS, reporters should articulate the ‘so what?’ for ALCTS members. Length of reports typically ranges from 400–600 words. Reporters are also encouraged to contribute photos or other images. Shortly before the conference begins, Chelcie will be in touch with more detailed how-to’s for reporters.

Preconferences (Ticketed Events)


Affiliate Programs


Don’t see a session listed above that you think would be of interest to the ALCTS community? Send suggestions for reports on other ALA events to Chelcie, as well.

Thank you for helping to connect members of the ALCTS community with professional knowledge shared at Annual, even if they aren’t able to be there in person!

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