Linked Data for the Rest of Us: e-Forum Summary

The ALCTS e-Forum “Linked Data for the Rest of Us” took place on July 24–25, 2018. Anne Washington (coordinator of metadata services), Andrew Weidner (digital operations coordinator), and Xiping Liu (resource description librarian)—all of the University of Houston M.D. Anderson Library—moderated the discussion. Over 70 people posted around 200 messages during the two-day discussion.

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From the President: Our Path Forward

This past year ALCTS has been exploring a potential new path forward, trying to glance beyond the curve to determine how best to position ALCTS for the future. Our exploration of a possible path forward has included ongoing discussions with the Library & Information Technology Association (LITA) and the Library Leadership & Management Association (LLAMA) about the possibility of the three divisions forming a new single division.

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