21st-Century Collection Development Strategies for Media

More than 70 people attended the Video Round Table Chair’s Program “21st-Century Collection Development Strategies for Media” on Saturday, June 23, at the 2018 ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans. Four speakers shared their experiences and perspectives of building collections and services effectively for streaming video and other media.

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My ALCTS Experience: Elyssa Gould

I began my library career in cataloging and metadata but eventually morphed into an electronic resources librarian about three years ago. I love electronic resources work—it’s mentally engaging, always involves solving a puzzle, puts me in contact with many parts of the library, and makes great use of my ability to read bibliographic records. Today I am electronic resources librarian at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, where I lead a team of five that handles database trials, activates new electronic resources, and troubleshoots electronic resource access problems.

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Present & Future Challenges of Cataloging Special Collections Material: e-Forum Summary

On May 22–23, 2018, the ALCTS Continuing Education Committee hosted the e-forum “Present and Future Challenges of Cataloging Special Collections Material.” The discussion was facilitated by Becky Skeen (special collections cataloging librarian at Utah State University) and Gail Spears (poetry and literature cataloger at Emory University) and included over 225 messages posted by more than 70 participants.

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Call for Reporters at the 2018 ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans

ALCTS News is looking for volunteers to report on ALCTS preconferences, programs, and forums at the 2018 ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. Are you attending one of the sessions below? Would you like to share what you learn with the ALCTS community? Email Chelcie Rowell, editor of ALCTS News, at alctsnews@lists.ala.org to volunteer to report on a session at Annual.

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