From the President: ALA Annual 2019 in Washington, DC

After a cool and wet spring, it’s hard to believe that summer is arriving, but yet here we are just a week and half away from the ALA Annual Conference, starting on June 20. Washington, DC always offers unparalleled opportunities to explore our government institutions and national treasures, often for no cost at all. This summer ALCTS will add to the cultural riches of our nation’s capital by offering conference attendees a wealth of programs and learning opportunities during Annual Conference.

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My Emerging Leader Experience: Netanel Ganin

Last year I had the privilege of joining the 2018 class of ALA Emerging Leaders and was doubly honored to be sponsored by ALCTS. Although I’d previously served on committees and task forces within ALCTS, I didn’t have a strong sense of the larger picture of ALA’s structure and governance, and where I might fit into it. All that changed during the program. Through presentations, speakers, and the ongoing conversations facilitated by the leaders of the program, I gained a keener understanding of some of how ALA functions, both internally, as well as for librarianship, libraries and librarians.

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Exploring a New ALA Division with ALCTS, LITA, and LLAMA: A Personal Take

Shortly before Midwinter, the Steering Committee—composed of the Presidents, President-Elects, and Executive Directors of the three divisions—determined that we weren’t ready to bring a new division proposal to the members for a vote. Instead, we agreed to pause the project. I realize this official notice had about as much warmth as an office memo, so I’d like to share a more personal version of this story, hopefully answering some questions along the way.

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Interviews with ALCTS Leaders: Mary Beth Weber, Library Resources & Technical Services (LRTS) Editor

As LRTS Editor, I chair the LRTS Editorial Board, whose members review papers and help me to solicit content. I also actively solicit content for the journal and oversee all submissions from review and editing to the final product. I work closely with Brooke Morris-Chott, who is ALCTS’ Program Officer for Communications, and Tim Clifford of ALA Production Services. Brooke is an amazing copy editor, and Tim handles the journal’s layout and production.

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