Creating the Future of Digital Scholarship Together: Collaboration from Within Your Library

More than 100 people filled the room for the program “Creating the Future of Digital Scholarship Together: Collaboration from Within Your Library” held on Saturday, June 24, 2017 at McCormick Place in Chicago. The program was co-sponsored by the Library and Information Technology Association (LITA), the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) Digital Humanities Interest Group, and the ALCTS Cataloging and Metadata Management Section (CaMMS)—units within ALA where many library collaborators who provide digital scholarship services find their home. From their perspectives as both digital scholarship specialists and metadata specialists, panelists described the collaborative infrastructure that underpins new forms of faculty and student scholarship.

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Show Me the Data! How Libraries Support Research Data Management Plans & Data Sharing Requirements: 2017 Annual Conference

“Show Me the Data! How Libraries Support Research Data Management Plans and Data Sharing Requirements” was held on Sunday, June 25, 3:00–4:00 pm, and featured two speakers discussing the library’s role in supporting research data management programs in academic institutions. Research data management is essential in the research enterprise. Many grant funding agencies now require data management plans to be included in grant applications, particularly governmental agencies funding research with public funds. Data management plans specify how research data will be analyzed, stored, and shared to ensure data is handled and preserved appropriately.

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