Consortial Cataloging: e-Forum Summary

The ALCTS e-Forum “Consortial Cataloging: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Sharing Data” took place February 27–28, 2018 and discussed benefits and challenges of shared cataloging in consortia. Cynthia Romanowski (Governors State University Library) and Natalie Sommerville (Duke University Libraries) facilitated. Over the course of two days and 108 posts, 33 participants contributed their expertise and experience.

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Training for Results: Hard & Soft Skills for Technical Services Staff: e-Forum Summary

The e-Forum “Training for Results: Hard and Soft Skills for Technical Services Staff” was held December 5–6, 2017. The forum was moderated by Terry McQuown, Staff Development Coordinator with King County Library System in Washington state, and Maggie Dull, Head of Metadata Strategies at the University of Rochester’s River Campus Libraries.

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