ANMIG Interviews CaMMS Recruitment & Mentoring Committee Chair Chris Dieckman

Whether you are a library school student or new library professional, navigating the ALCTS committee-scape can be overwhelming. To illustrate what committee work entails and how you can get involved, Sarah Cruz and Kumiko Reichert of the ALCTS New Members Interest Group (ANMIG for short) talked with committee leaders from each ALCTS section and asked them to tell us first-hand about their roles. Their interview with Chris Dieckman, chair of the ALCTS Cataloging & Metadata Management Section (CaMMS) Recruitment & Mentoring Committee, is the fifth of six leading up to the 2019 ALA Midwinter Meeting.

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Career Profile: Metadata & Digital Collections Specialist

My formal training (MLIS) did include a course in indexing that was a helpful beginning. I needed to learn to write those short and accurate descriptions, knowing when to cut, when to stop. I needed to develop a world perspective, understanding that what I write may be seen by anyone with a command (no matter how tenuous) of English, and my written word needs to be objective and clear. I needed to learn about digital asset management systems, how they work and don’t work. I needed to improve my people skills and learn to work within academic hierarchies. I needed to increase my general knowledge so that more things would be within my ken.

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Career Profile: Supervisory Librarian

Although I have wanted to be a cataloger since library school, I did not specifically choose the exact job and institution where I am now. The job chose me! During my job search, I discovered that this is where many opportunities appear: in blended positions (part cataloging, part collection management, part access services, part staff management) and at special libraries.

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