Personalizing Assessment: Making Collections Data Work for You

The ALCTS Acquisitions Managers and Vendors Interest Group (AMVIG) and the ALCTS Collection Development Librarians of Academic Libraries Interest Group co-sponsored a program at the 2017 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois on Saturday, June 24, which focused on gathering and utilizing data to inform collection development decisions.

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The Business of Social Impact: Creating a World Where Everyone Has Value: 2017 Annual Conference

Dorri McWhorter, CEO of the YWCA Metropolitan Chicago, describes herself as a “possibilist.” Yes, there is a red squiggly line under the word “possibilist” as I prepare this report in Microsoft Word. As I read through my notes and consider Ms. McWhorter’s life philosophy and world view on how we do our work, I decided to add “possibilist” to my personal computer’s private dictionary. Next: Add being a “possibilist” to my list of personal aspirations.

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Diversity, Inclusion, & Social Justice in Technical Services: 2017 Annual Conference

On June 24, 2017, ALCTS, the American Indian Library Association, and the Public Library Association co-sponsored the ALA Program, “Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice in Technical Services.” The session was comprised of four parts presented by Hannah Buckland, Nancy Godoy-Powell, Sharon Grimm, Michelle Miller, and Ann Marie Willer.

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Continuing Resources Acquisitions Forum: 2017 Annual Conference

On Sunday, June 25, 2017, the Acquisitions Committee of the Continuing Resources Section held its annual Forum. Caroline Mills of Furman University presented “Without a Parachute: Converting to Unmediated Pay-Per-View Access to Articles Online.” Ms. Mills was looking for a solution to rising subscription costs and surveyed two groups of which Furman is a member: the Carolina Consortium and the Oberlin Group. Her query was whether they offer mediated or unmediated searches to their faculty and students.

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