CC:DA Task Force on RDA Instructions for Governmental and Non-governmental Corporate Bodies

CC:DA/TF/Governmental and Non-Governmental Corporate Bodies
August 9, 2010

CC:DA Task Force on RDA Instructions for Governmental and Non-governmental Corporate Bodies


The CC:DA Task Force on RDA Instructions for Governmental and Non-governmental Corporate Bodies is charged with reviewing the current RDA instructions in Chapter 11 on names of government bodies and other corporate bodies — with particular attention to the instructions on the names of bodies entered subordinately in– — to address previously identified concerns of ALA that “having separate instructions for government bodies and other corporate bodies introduces both redundancy and complexity” (6JSC/Sec/1, p. 23). The task force should look broadly at issues relating to the recording of corporate hierarchies in preferred names and access points, and should recommend a solution that is consistent, rational, and principle-based, generating appropriate rules revisions.

The task force will submit an interim report at the 2011 ALA Midwinter Meeting and a final report at least a month prior to the 2011 ALA Annual Conference. Proposals for consideration by the Joint Steering Committee should be submitted to CC:DA at least three months prior to the date of the JSC meeting. Continue reading