Week 1: CC:DA Review of JSC Proposals (Comments Due by Friday, Aug. 14, 2015)

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Here are the links to our blog posts for the first five proposals and discussion papers that I would like CC:DA to review. They mostly discuss changes to RDA chapter 1 and Appendices. Please post any comment you may have on these proposals by next Friday, August 14, 2015.

6JSC/CCC/16: Transcription of Punctuation and Symbols (1.7.3, 1.7.5)
9 pages

6JSC/CCC/19: Parallel Language Elements (1.7.7)
5 pages

6JSC/BL/27: Appendix I Relationships for Works Issued Over Time
6 pages

6JSC/CapitalizationWG/1: Capitalization Instructions and RDA
5 pages

6JSC/TechnicalWG/6: RDA Accommodation of Relationship Data
10 pages

CC:DA Task Force for the Review of Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Manuscripts): Charge and Roster

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July 30, 2015

Charge to the Task Force for the Review of Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Manuscripts)

The Task Force for the Review of Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Manuscripts) is charged with preparing a review of this draft document, for transmittal to CC:DA by November 15, 2015.

July 30, 2015

Roster of the Task Force for the Review of Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Manuscripts)

Jessica Hayden, chair
Technical Services Manager
University of Northern Colorado
Campus Box 48
Greeley, CO 80639
work: (970) 351-2183
E-mail: jessica.hayden@unco.edu

Larence S. Creider
Head, Archives and Special Collections Dept.
University Library
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM  88003
work: 575-646-4756
fax: 575-646-7477
E-mail: lcreider@lib.nmsu.edu

Patricia M. Dragon
Head, Special Collections Cataloging
Joyner Library
East Carolina University
work: (252) 328-0296
E-mail: dragonp@ecu.edu

Faye Leibowitz
General Languages Catalog Librarian
7500 Thomas Boulevard
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
work: (412) 648-8113
E-mail: frleibo@pitt.edu

Robert Rendall
Principal Serials Cataloger
Columbia University Libraries
102 Butler Library
535 West 114th St.
New York, NY 10027
work: (212) 851-2449
fax: (212) 854-5167
E-mail: rr2205@columbia.edu

Dr. Elizabeth Anne Shoemaker
Catalog and Resource Access Librarian
St. Ambrose University Library
518 W Locust St
Davenport, IA 52803-2829
work: (563) 333-6469
E-mail: shoemakerelizabetha@sau.edu







Proposal on Additional Instructions in Chapter 27 for Structured Descriptions of the “Contained in” and “Container of” Relationships

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CC:DA/TF/Instructions for Recording Relationships/9/Rev.
July 16, 2015

Task Force to Investigate the Instructions for Recording Relationships in RDA

Additional Instructions in Chapter 27 for Structured Descriptions of the “Contained in” and “Container of” Relationships

Earlier proposal: Additional instructions in Chapter 27 for Structured Descriptions of the “Contained in” and “Container of” Relationships (06/06/2015)

Submitted by Nathan Putnam, Chair.