Task Force to Review the Statement of International Cataloguing Principles

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CC:DA/TF/Statement of International Cataloguing Principles/1
December 8, 2006


The Task Force to Review the Statement of International Cataloguing Principles is charged with:

  • Preparing an interim review paper on the latest available draft, looking at the principles generally and with respect to the available information on Resource Description and Access (RDA) specifically. This interim review paper will be sent to the chair of CC:DA by May 15, 2007.
  • Being the primary body within CC:DA to compare and contrast the latest available version of the Statement of International Cataloguing Principles with RDA as RDA review and development proceeds. The TF shall alert CC:DA if there are significant differences.
  • Preparing a report for CC:DA that will form the basis of the ALA response when the Statement goes out for worldwide review. The TF will develop the report using any instructions provided by the requesting agency; issues specifically of interest to CC:DA will be included in an appendix or under separate cover. This report will be sent to the chair of CC:DA three weeks before the deadline given by the requesting agency. Continue reading

2008 Midwinter Meeting Agenda, Philadelphia, PA

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Note: Links are provided to the documents listed on the agenda. These are working documents and are to be used as part of the rule revision process. They are not to be copied or distributed without permission from the Chair of CC:DA.

Discussion of RDA: Resource Description and Access, Sections 2-4, 9 draft
Friday, January 11, 2007 — 1:30-5:30 p.m.
Holiday Inn Express Midtown, Terrace Ballroom

  1. Welcome and opening remarks: Chair (1:30, 5 min.)
  2. Introduction of members, liaisons, and representatives: Group (1:35, 10 min.) [CC:DA/Roster/2007/July/Rev.]
  3. Discussion of draft of Sections 2-4, 9 of RDA: Resource Description and Access: Chair (1:45–3:30, 1 hr. 45 min.) [5JSC/RDA/Sections 2-4, 9]
  4. Break (3:30-4:00, 30 min.)
  5. Discussion of draft of Sections 2-4, 9 of RDA: Resource Description and Access, continued: Chair (4:00–5:30, 1 hr. 30 min.)

Saturday, January 12, 2008 — 1:30–6:00 p.m.
Sheraton Philadelphia City Center, Philadelphia Ballroom

  1. Welcome and opening remarks: Chair (1:30, 5 min.)
  2. Introduction of members, liaisons, and representatives: Group (1:35, 10 min.) [CC:DA/Roster/2007/July/Rev.]
  3. Adoption of agenda: Chair (1:45, 5 min.) [CC:DA/Agenda/57]
  4. Approval of minutes of meeting held at 2007 Annual Conference, June 22, 23, and 25, 2007: Chair (1:50, 5 min.) [Minutes of the 2007 Annual Conference in Washington, DC June 22, 23, and 25, 2007]
  5. Report from the Chair (1:55, 10 min.) Chair’s report on CC:DA motions, June – December 2007: [Chair’s Report on CC:DA Motions and Other Actions June 26, 2007–December 15, 2007]
  6. Report of the ALA Representative to the Joint Steering Committee, Part 1: Attig (2:05, 1 hr.) [A new organization for RDA] | [5JSC/RDA/Sections 2-4, 9] | [5JSC/RDA/Prospectus/Rev/5] | [5JSC/RDA/Objectives and Principles/Rev] | [5JSC/Editor/2]
  7. Report from the Library of Congress Representative: Tillett (3:05, 30 min.)
  8. Break (3:35, 30 min.)
  9. Report of the ALA representative to NISO: Hepfer (4:05, 15 min.)
  10. Report from the Chair of the RDA Implementation Task Force: Miksa (4:20, 15 min.)
  11. Report of the Task Force on Specialist Cataloguing Manuals: Scharff (4:35, 30 min.) [Final Report: Task Force on Specialist Cataloguing Manuals]
  12. Revisions to CC:DA Procedures: Chair (5:05, 45 min.) [Revisions to CC:DA Procedures]

Monday, January 14, 2008 — 8:00 a.m. –12:30 p.m.
Sheraton Philadelphia City Center, Philadelphia Ballroom

  1. Welcome and opening remarks: Chair (8:00, 5 min.)
  2. Report from ALA Publishing Services: Chatham, Associate Executive Director (8:05, 30 min.)
  3. Report on PCC’s Guidelines for Multiple Character Sets: Schuitema or Fletcher (8:35, 10 min.)
  4. Report from the MARBI Representative: Allgood (8:45 10 min.) [Report of the MARBI Representative to CC:DA Midwinter Meeting 2008]
  5. Report of the ALA Representative to the Joint Steering Committee, Part 2: Attig (8:55, 1 hr. 5 min.)
  6. Break (10:00, 30 min.)
  7. Report of the ALA Representative to the Joint Steering Committee, Part 2, continued: Attig (10:30, 1 hr.)
  8. Report from the Task Force on CC:DA’s Internal and External Communication: Smart (11:30, 15 min.) [Interim Report: Task Force on CC:DA’s Internal and External Communication]
  9. Report of the CC:DA webmaster: Chair (11:45, 15 min.) [CC:DA Webmaster Report, December 17, 2007]
  10. Report from the Chair on CCS Executive Committee meetings; other new business; reports from the floor; announcement of next meeting, and adjournment: Chair (12:00, 30 min.)