Providing Greater Flexibility in Creating Variant Access Points (RDA Chapters 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 11)

1 August 2016

Providing Greater Flexibility in Creating Variant Access Points (RDA Chapters 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 11)

In Chapters 5-6, change the basis for variant access points for works and expressions from a “variant title for the work” to “a title of the work”. In Chapters 8-11, change the basis for variant access points for persons, families and corporate bodies from “a variant name for the [person/family/corporate body]” to “a name of the [person/family/corporate body]”. Update related references and instruction names in the text.

Submitted: Kathy Glennan, ALA Representative


Renate Behrens, Europe Region Representative
Dave Reser, Library of Congress (LC) Representative
Ebe Kartus, Australian Committee on Cataloguing (ACOC) Representative
Bill Leonard, Canadian Committee on Cataloguing Representative (CCC) Representative

Expanding RDA, Laws Governing More Than One Jurisdiction

21 July 2016

Expanding RDA, Laws Governing More Than One Jurisdiction

Add instructions to RDA, Laws Governing More Than One Jurisdiction, to address creating an authorized access point for a single law that governs multiple jurisdictions. Allow for naming the work by the enacting jurisdiction when known, and by title when the enacting jurisdiction is unknown or uncertain. Add examples to support the new paragraphs.

Submitted by: Kathy Glennan, ALA Representative


Renate Behrens, Europe Region Representative
Dave Reser, Library of Congress (LC) Representative
Ebe Kartus, Australian Committee on Cataloguing (ACOC) Representative
Bill Leonard, Canadian Committee on Cataloguing Representative (CCC) Representative


Adding Controlled Vocabulary to RDA 3.19.6, Regional Encoding, and to the Glossary

29 July 2016

Adding Controlled Vocabulary to RDA 3.19.6, Regional Encoding, and to the Glossary

Expand the scope of RDA 3.19.6, Regional Encoding, to include all types of digital files. Add a controlled vocabulary for standardized regional codes to, the Glossary, and the RDA Registry. Create, Details of Regional Encoding, to accommodate any additional information about regional encoding.

Submitted by: Kathy Glennan, ALA Representative


Renate Behrens, Europe Region Representative
Dave Reser, Library of Congress (LC) Representative
Ebe Kartus, Australian Committee on Cataloguing (ACOC) Representative
Bill Leonard, Canadian Committee on Cataloguing Representative (CCC) Representative

Discussion paper: Accompanying Material in RDA

29 July 2016

Discussion paper: Accompanying Material in RDA

This discussion paper, developed by a joint ALA/CCC working group, examines the current definitions of and instructions for accompanying material in RDA. The group identified 7 issues which merit further investigation and discussion; each is presented in a separate section which includes an analysis and recommendations for future action.

Submitted by: Kathy Glennan, ALA Representative, and Bill Leonard, Canadian Committee on Cataloguing Representative


Renate Behrens, Europe Region Representative
Dave Reser, Library of Congress (LC) Representative
Ebe Kartus, Australian Committee on Cataloguing (ACOC) Representative
Deborah Fritz, RSC Aggregates Working Group Chair


Reviewing Responses to ALA Proposals and Discussion Papers (Comments Due by Monday, Oct. 17, 2016)

Reviewing Responses to ALA Proposals and Discussion Papers (Comments Due by Monday, Oct. 17, 2016)

Adding Controlled Vocabulary to RDA 3.19.6, Regional Encoding, and to the Glossary
9 pages

Expanding RDA, Laws Governing More Than One Jurisdiction
3 pages

Providing Greater Flexibility in Creating Variant Access Points (RDA Chapters 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 11)
22 pages

Discussion Paper: Accompanying Material in RDA
11 pages

ALA Proposals and Responses to be Discussed at November 2015 JSC Meeting

6JSC/ALA/37: Eliminating “Laws, etc.” as a conventional collective title (RDA,, etc.)

13 pages

6JSC/ALA/38 – Create RDA 2.17.14, Note on Identifier for the Manifestation

2 pages

6JSC/ALA/39 – Expand the scope of RDA 2.17.5, Note on Numbering of Serials, and 2.17.11, Note on Series Statement

9 pages

6JSC/ALA/40 – Revision to RDA 3.1.4, Resources Consisting of More than One Carrier Type and RDA, Recording Extent

15 pages

6JSC/ALA/41: Additional instructions in Chapter 27 for Structured Descriptions of the “Contained in” and “Container of” Relationships

16 pages

6JSC/ALA/42 – Clarify Sources of Information for Statement of Responsibility Relating to Title Proper (RDA, etc.)

6 pages

6JSC/ALA/43 – Revision and Expansion of RDA Appendix K: Relationship Designators: Relationships Between Persons, Families, and Corporate Bodies

24 pages

6JSC/ALA/44 – New Chapter 3 elements for Optical Disc Data Storage Format and Optical Disc Recording Method

9 pages

6JSC/ALA/45 – Referential relationships: RDA Chapter 24-28 and Appendix J

26 pages

6JSC/ALA/Discussion/5: Machine-Actionable Data Elements for Measurements, Extent of the Carrier, Pagination and Foliation, Dimensions, Extent of the Content, and Duration – Discussion Paper (2015)

205 pages

ALA Proposal: Machine-Actionable Data Elements for Measurements, Extent of the Carrier, Pagination and Foliation, Dimensions, Extent of the Content, and Duration – Discussion Paper (2015)

31 July 2015

Machine-Actionable Data Elements for Measurements, Extent of the Carrier, Pagination and Foliation, Dimensions, Extent of the Content, and Duration – Discussion Paper (2015)

Related documents:
6JSC/ALA/Discussion/1: Machine-Actionable Data Elements in RDA: Discussion Paper (2013)
6JSC/ALA/17: Machine-Actionable Data Elements in RDA Chapter 3: Discussion Paper [2012]

Abstract: In looking toward a future of linked data, RDA instructions should be revised and expanded to
accommodate more machine-actionable data elements. This paper gives particular consideration
to creating or revising instructions on Measurements, Extent of the Carrier, Pagination and
Foliation, Dimensions, Extent of the Content, and Duration.

ALA Proposal: Referential relationships: RDA Chapter 24-28 and Appendix J

30 July 2015

Referential relationships: RDA Chapter 24-28 and Appendix J

Related documents: 6JSC/TechnicalWG/3 Recommendation 2
6JSC/ALA/41, Additional instructions in Chapter 27 for Structured Descriptions of the
“Contained in” and “Container of” Relationships

Abstract: Revise Chapters 24-28 and add new relationship designators to Appendix J to accommodate
referential relationships between a resource and a description or enumeration of that resource
contained in another resource such as a bibliography or catalog.

ALA Proposal: New Chapter 3 elements for Optical Disc Data Storage Format and Optical Disc Recording Method

1 August 2015

New Chapter 3 elements for Optical Disc Data Storage Format and Optical Disc Recording Method

Related documents: 6JSC/ALA/16 and the constituency responses to that proposal.

Abstract: Create two new instructions to enable recording specific optical disc characteristics: RDA 3.21, Optical Disc Data Storage Format and RDA 3.9.4, Production Method for Optical Disc. Add
terms to RDA Glossary to support the new instructions.

ALA Proposal: Revision and Expansion of RDA Appendix K: Relationship Designators: Relationships Between Persons, Families, and Corporate Bodies

30 July 2015

Revision and Expansion of RDA Appendix K: Relationship Designators: Relationships Between Persons, Families, and Corporate Bodies

Related documents: 6JSC/ALA/25: RDA Appendix K Revision and Expansion and
constituency responses.

Abstract: Modify the structure of and expand Appendix K to specify reciprocal relationship designators
and allow catalogers to use a greater number of relationship designators.