CC:DA Faceted Subject Vocabularies Task Force

CC:DA/TF/Faceted Subject Vocabularies/1

Formed: September 26, 2017
Chair: Kelley McGrath

Charge: Provide feedback to the ALCTS/CaMMS Subject Analysis Committee on the white paper “A Brave New (Faceted) World: Towards Full Implementation of Library of Congress Faceted Vocabularies.”

Report: The CC:DA Faceted Vocabularies Task Force was formed September 26, 2017 and discharged November 8, 2017. The group developed a response to the CaMMS Subject Access Committee (SAC) on its white paper, “A Brave New (Faceted) World: Towards Full Implementation of Library of Congress Faceted Vocabularies”, the report was approved by the committee at large and transmitted to SAC.

CC:DA Feedback on the White Paper “A Brave New (Faceted) World: Towards Full Implementation of Library of Congress Faceted Vocabularies”


Kelley McGrath (Chair)
University of Oregon Libraries
1299 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1299
Phone: (541) 346-8232

Jessica Hayden
Technical Services Manager
University of Northern Colorado
Campus Box 48
Greeley, CO 80639
Phone: (970) 351-2183

Daniel Jergovic
Northeastern University
360 Huntington Ave
260 Snell Library
Boston, MA 02115-5000
Phone: (617) 373-7102

Nancy Lorimer
Head of Metadata
Stanford University Libraries
Lathrop Library
518 Memorial Way
Stanford, CA 94305-3101
Phone: (650) 725-8819

Heather McIntosh
Botetourt County Library
28 Avery Row
Roanoke, VA 24012
Phone: (540) 928-2903

Robert Maxwell
Brigham Young University
6728 Harold B. Lee Library
Provo, UT 84602
Phone: (801) 422-5568



Chair’s Report on CC:DA Motions and Other Actions, July-December 2016

Jan. 5, 2017

Association for Library Collections & Technical Services
(A division of the American Library Association)
Cataloging and Metadata Management Section
Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access

Chair’s Report on CC:DA Motions and Other Actions July-December 2016

Submitted by: Tina Shrader

2017 Midwinter Meeting Agenda, Atlanta, GA


Committee on Cataloging: Description & Access

2017 Midwinter Meeting 


Saturday, January 21, 1:00-5:30 pm

OMNI Hotel, International Ballroom F

  1. Welcome and opening remarks: Chair (1:00, 10 min.)
  2. Introduction of members, liaisons, and representatives: Group (1:10, 15 min.)
  3. Adoption of agenda: Chair (1:25, 5 min.)
  4. Approval of minutes of meeting held at 2016 Annual Conference: Chair (1:30, 5 min.)

Minutes of the meeting held at the 2016 ALA Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida

  1. Report from the Chair (1:35, 10 min.)

Chair’s Report on CC:DA Motions and Other Actions July-December 2016

  1. Report from the Library of Congress Representative: Reser (1:45, 15 min.)

Library of Congress Report

  1. Report of the ALA Representative to the RDA Steering Committee: Glennan (2:00, 60 min.)

Report on RSC Activities, July-December 2016

RDA Developments of Note (29 slides)

Synchronizing the Open Metadata Registry and the RDA Toolkit (18 slides)

  1. Break (3:00, 20 min.)
  2. Upcoming CC:DA work: Chair (3:20, 10 min.)
  3. Report of the CC:DA webmaster: Guajardo (3:30, 10 min.)
  4. Report from the PCC liaison: Robare (3:40, 15 min.)

PCC Report

  1. Presentation on IFLA-LRM: Glennan (3:55, 60 min.)

IFLA Library Reference Model (24 slides)

Monday, January 23, 8:30-11:30 am

OMNI Hotel, International Ballroom F

  1. Welcome and opening remarks: Chair (8:30, 5 min.)
  2. Report of the MAC Representative: Myers (8:35, 10 min.)

Report of the MAC Liaison (Final)

  1. Changes to ALA Annual conference programming: Chair (8:45, 15 min.)
  2. Report from ALA Publishing Services: Hennelly (9:00, 15 min.)
  3. Presentation on RDA Toolkit changes: Hennelly (9:15, 45 min.)
  4. Status Report on 3R project: Hennelly (10:00)

The 3R Project (13 slides)

  1. Other new business; reports from the floor; announcement of next meeting, and adjournment: Chair (15 min.)

CC:DA Update on the Full Aggregates Working Group (AWG) Model for Aggregates: Fritz (7 slides)​