2019 Midwinter Meeting Agenda, Seattle, WA

January 26, 2019

Committee on Cataloging: Description & Access
2019 Midwinter Meeting


Saturday, January 26, 1:00-5:30 pm
Renaissance, Municipal/Superior Rooms (Courtyard)

  1. Welcome and opening remarks: Chair (1:00, 5 min.)
  2. Introduction of members, liaisons, and representatives: Group (1:05, 15 min.)
  3. Adoption of agenda: Chair (1:20, 5 min.)
  4. Approval of minutes of meeting held at 2018 Annual Meeting: Chair (1:25, 5 min.)

Minutes of the meeting held at the 2018 ALA Midwinter Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana June 23 and 25, 2018

  1. Report from the Chair (1:30, 5 min.)

Chair’s Report on CC:DA Motions and Other Actions, July-December 2018

  1. Report from the Library of Congress Representative: James (1:35, 10 min.)

Library of Congress Report

  1. Report of the ALA Representatives to the North American RDA Committee: Bourassa (1:45, 20 min.)

Report on NARDAC and RDA-Related Activities, June-December 2018

  1. Report of the CC:DA webmaster: Guajardo (2:05, 10 min.)
  2. Report from the PCC liaison: Allgood (2:15, 10 min.)

PCC Report for CC:DA at ALA Midwinter, Seattle, January 2019

  1. Report on the CC:DA 3R Task Group: Wiley (2:25, 10 min.)
  2. Report of the MAC Representative: Myers (2:35, 10 min.)

Break (2:50, 15 min.)

  1. Report from ALA Publishing Services and Presentation on RDA Toolkit changes: Hennelly (3:05, 45 min.)
  2. Report on the Virtual Participation Task Force: Hayden (3:45, 15 min)
  3. Discussion on CC:DA communication; Ros (4:00, 45 min)

a. Committee reports (10 min)
b. ALA Connect vs. blog and list-serv (35 min)

  1. Discussion of possible Task Forces: Ros (4:45, 30 min)
  2. Other new business; reports from the floor; announcement of next meeting, and adjournment: Chair (5:15, 15 min.)

Committee on Cataloging: Description & Access
2019 Midwinter Meeting


Monday, January 28, 8:30-11:30 am
Hyatt Regency Seattle, Elwha A (Jr. Ballroom West A)

The CC:DA meeting usually held Monday morning is cancelled in favor of a special session
“A Deeper Dive into RDA”, sponsored by members of the RDA Steering Committee.

CC:DA Virtual Participation Task Force

CC:DA/TF/Virtual Participation/1

Formed: May 14, 2018
Chair: Jessica Hayden

Charge: This Task Force is charged with exploring ways to lower the barriers to participation in CC:DA, especially for representatives from liaison groups and from specialist communities. The Task Force will explore all possible options for increasing the flexibility of CC:DA meeting participation, including but not limited to virtual meeting and remote attendance options. The Task Force shall submit recommendations to the full Committee by November 15, 2018.


Report from the Virtual Participation Task Force


Jessica Hayden, Chair
Technical Services Manager
University of Northern Colorado
Campus Box 48
Greeley, CO 80639
Work: (970) 351-2183
E-mail: jessica.hayden@unco.edu

Patricia Dragon
Head, Special Collections Cataloging
Joyner Library
East Carolina University
work: (252) 328-0296
E-mail: dragonp@ecu.edu

Richard Guajardo
Mobile: (281) 723-1384
E-mail: rguajardo@utexas.edu

Teressa M. Keenan
University of Montana
Mansfield Library
32 Campus Dr
Missoula, MT 59812-0003
Work: (406) 243-4592
Fax: (406) 243-6864
E-mail: teressa.keenan@umontana.edu

Amanda L. Ros
Coordinator of Monograph Copy Cataloging
Texas A&M University
5000 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-5000
Work: (979) 862-1033
E-mail: aros@library.tamu.edu

CC:DA Roster, 2016-2017

July 11, 2017

Committee Members (July 11, 2017)

Tina Shrader, Chair, 2016-2017
Head, Cataloging Unit 1
Cataloging and Metadata Management Section
National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20894
Work: (301) 827-1633
E-mail: tina.shrader@nih.gov

Mary Anne Dyer, 2013-2017
James Branch Cabell Library
Virginia Commonwealth University
901 Park Ave. , P.O. Box 842033
Richmond, VA 23284-2033
Work: (804) 828-6419
Fax: (804) 828-0151
E-mail: madyer@vcu.edu

Teressa M. Keenan, 2016-2018
University of Montana Mansfield Library
32 Campus Dr
Missoula, MT 59812-0003
Work: (406) 243-4592
Fax: (406) 243-6864
E-mail: teressa.keenan@umontana.edu

Tim Kiser, 2016- 2018
Michigan State University Libraries
366 W Circle Dr # W-108c
East Lansing, MI 48824-3729
Work: (517) 884-0825
E-mail: tkiser@msu.edu

Jennifer A. Liss, 2016-2018
Indiana University Libraries
1320 E 10th St
Wells Library E350
Bloomington, IN 47405-3907
Work: (812) 856-7859
E-mail: jenniferaliss@gmail.com

Sandra Macke, 2013-2017
Cataloging Librarian
Flux Resources
Bonneville Power Administration
905 NE 11th Ave, Library-1
Portland, OR 97232
Work: (503) 230-4160
E-mail: srmacke@bpa.gov

Nancy Mitchell Poehlmann, 2016-2018
University at Albany, SUNY
Lib B35a
1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12222-0001
Work: (518) 442-3889
Fax: (518) 442-3630
E-mail: npoehlmann@albany.edu

Amanda L. Ros, 2016-2018
Coordinator of Monograph Copy Cataloging
Texas A&M University
5000 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-5000
Work: (979) 862-1033
E-mail: aros@library.tamu.edu

Beth (Dr. Elizabeth Anne) Shoemaker, 2015-2017
Rare Book Cataloger
Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, & Rare Book Library
Emory Universiy
Work: (404) 712-4509
E-mail: elizabeth.shoemaker@emory.edu

CC:DA Webmaster

Richard Guajardo
Head of Resource Discovery Systems
University of Houston
4333 University Dr
Houston, TX 77204-2000
Work: (713) 743-9984
E-mail: guajardo@uh.edu


Heather McIntosh
Library Cataloger
Botetourt County Libraries
28 Avery Row
Roanoke, VA 24012
Work: (540) 928-2900
E-mail: heike6@gmail.com

Emily Thaisrivongs
Haverford College
E-mail: ethaisrivo@haverford.edu

ALA Representative to the RDA Steering Committee (ex officio; non-voting)

Kathy Glennan
Head, Original & Special Collections Cataloging Dept.
2200 McKeldin Library
7649 Library Lane
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Work: (301) 405-9331
E-mail: kglennan@umd.edu

Ex Officio Representatives (non-voting)

Dave Reser, Library of Congress
Senior Cataloging Policy Specialist
Policy & Standards Division
101 Independence Ave., SE
Washington, DC 20540-4260
Work: (202) 707-2836
Fax: (202) 707-6629
E-mail: dres@loc.gov

Jay Weitz, OCLC
Senior Consulting Database Specialist OCLC
6565 Kilgour Place MC 139
Dublin, Ohio 43017-3395
Work: (800) 848-5878 or (614) 764-6156
Fax: (614) 718-7195
E-mail: jay_weitz@oclc.org

Keri Cascio, ALCTS
ALCTS Executive Director
American Library Association
50 East Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611-2729
Work: (800) 545-2433 ext. 5030 or (312) 280-5030
Fax: (312) 312-5033
E-mail: kcascio@ala.org

ALA Liaisons (non-voting)

Andrea Morrison, Government Documents Round Table (ALA/GODORT)
Head, Monographic Text Cataloging
Technical Services Department
Herman B Wells Library, Room E350
Indiana University Libraries
1320 E. 10th St.
Bloomington, IN   47405-3907
Work: 812-855-3723
E-mail: amorriso@indiana.edu

Felicity Dykas, Association of College and Research Libraries (ALA/ACRL)
Head, Digital Services Department
MU Libraries
University of Missouri–Columbia
Work: (573) 882-4656
E-mail: dykasf@missouri.edu

Peter V. Fletcher, ALCTS/Continuing Resources Section (ALCTS/CRS)
Team Leader, International and Knowledge Management Teams
UCLA Cataloging & Metadata Ctr
Box 957230, 11020 Kinross Av
Los Angeles, CA 90095-7230
Work: (310) 206-3927
Fax: (310) 794-9357
E-mail: pfletcher@library.ucla.edu

Richard Hasenyager, Jr., ALCTS/CaMMS/Cataloging of Children’s Materials Committee (ALCTS/CaMMS/CCM)
Director of Library Services
The New York City Department of Education, Office of School Programs and Partnerships
52 Chambers Street, Room 205
New York, NY 10007-4683
Work: (212) 374-3459
E-mail: rhasenyager@schools.nyc.gov

Amy Tims, ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (ALA/ACRL/RBMS)
Project Cataloger, American Antiquarian Society
185 Salisbury Street, Worcester, MA 01609
Phone: 508-471-2145
E-mail: atims@mwa.org

Jessica Hayden, ALCTS/Metadata Interest Group (ALCTS/MIG)
Technical Services Manager
University of Northern Colorado
Campus Box 48
Greeley, CO 80639
Work: (970) 351-2183
E-mail: jessica.hayden@unco.edu

Yoko Kudo, ALCTS/CaMMS/Committee on Cataloging: Asian and African Materials (ALCTS/CaMMS/CC:AAM)
Metadata & Media Cataloging Librarian
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92517-5900
Work: (951) 827-6270
E-mail: yoko.kudo@ucr.edu

Robert Maxwell, ALCTS/CaMMS/Subject Analysis Committee
Brigham Young University
6728 Harold B. Lee Library
Provo, UT 84602
Work: (801) 422-5568
fax: (801) 422-3221
E-mail: robert_maxwell@byu.edu

Ken Wade, Reference and User Services Association (ALA/RUSA)
UCLA American Indian Studies Center Library
3220 Campbell Hall, Box 951548
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1548
Work: (310) 206-7510
fax: (310) 206-7060
E-mail: kwade@aisc.ucla.edu

Min Zhang, Map and Geospatial Information Round Table (ALA/MAGIRT)
Cataloging Team Leader
Geography & Map Division
Library of Congress
101 Independence Ave. SE
Washington, DC 20540
Work: (202) 707-2131
E-mail: mizh@loc.gov

TBA, ALCTS/Preservation and Reformatting Section (ALCTS/PARS)

Non-ALA Liaisons (non-voting)

Robert Bratton, American Association of Law Libraries (AALL)
Cataloging Librarian
Jacob Burns Law Library
George Washington University
Washington, DC  20052
Phone: (202) 994-8332
E-mail:  rbratton@law.gwu.edu

Thomas M. Dousa, Catholic Library Association (CLA)
Monographic Cataloger
The University of Chicago Library
Work 773-702-8726
E-mail: tmdousa@uchicago.edu

Diane Hillmann, Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI)
Metadata Management Associates
P.O. Box 282
Jacksonville, NY 14854
E-mail: metadata.maven@gmail.com

Mary Huismann, Music Library Association
Music Catalog Librarian
St Olaf College
Rolvaag Memorial Library RML 386
1510 St Olaf Avenue
Northfield, MN 55057
Work: (507) 786-3794
E-mail: huism002@umn.edu

Armin Siedlecki, American Theological Library Association (ATLA)
Head of Cataloging
Pitts Theology Library
Emory University
1531 Dickey Drive, Suite 560
Atlanta, GA 30322
Work: (404) 727-5088
E-mail asiedle@emory.edu

Heidi G. Lerner, Association of Jewish Libraries
Metadata Librarian for Hebraica and Judaica
Metadata Development Unit
Stanford University Libraries
Stanford, CA 94305-6004
Work: (650) 725-9953
Fax: (650) 725-1120
E-mail: lerner@stanford.edu

Leoma Dunn, Special Libraries Association (SLA)
Thomas More College Library
333 Thomas More Parkway
Crestview Hills, KY  41017
E-mail: dunnl@thomasmore.edu

Kelley McGrath, Online Audiovisual Catalogers (OLAC)
University of Oregon Libraries
1299 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1299
Work: (541) 346-8232
Fax: (541) 346-3485
E-mail: kelleym@uoregon.edu

John Myers, [CC:DA liaison to] MARC Advisory Committee (MAC)
Catalog and Metadata Librarian
Union College
807 Union St.
Schenectady NY 12308
Work: (518) 388-6623
Fax: (518) 388-6619
E-mail: myersj@union.edu

Diane Napert, Association for Recorded Sound Collections
Monograph Accessions Librarian
Acquisitions Department
Yale University Library
PO Box 208203
Yale University
New Haven, CT 06520-8203
Work: (203) 432-7259
Fax: (203) 432-8543
E-mail: diane.napert@yale.edu

Weatherly Stephan, Society of American Archivists (SAA)
Assistant Curator
Bobst Library, 70 Washington Square South, Room 349
New York, NY US 10012
E-mail: weatherly.stephan@nyu.edu

Lori Robare, Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC)
University of Oregon Libraries
121 Knight Library
1299 University of Oregon
Eugene OR 97403-1299
Work: (541) 346-1848
E-mail: lrobare@uoregon.edu

Karen Stafford, Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA)
Head of Technical Services
Ryerson & Burnham Libraries
Art Institute of Chicago
111 S Michigan Ave
Chicago, IL 60603-6404
Work: (312) 443-3914
Email: kstafford2@artic.edu

Amanda K. Sprochi, Medical Library Association (MedLA)
Health Sciences Cataloger
106 HSL
1 Hospital Dr.
The University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65203
Work: : (573) 882-0461
E-mail: sprochia@health.missouri.edu

Jay Weitz, IFLA Cataloguing Section
Senior Consulting Database Specialist OCLC
6565 Kilgour Place MC 139
Dublin, Ohio 43017-3395
Work: (800) 848-5878 or (614) 764-6156
Fax: (614) 718-7195
E-mail: jay_weitz@oclc.org