2018 Midwinter Meeting Agenda, Denver, CO

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Committee on Cataloging: Description & Access
2018 Midwinter Meeting

Saturday, February 10, 1:00-5:30 pm
Sheraton Denver Downtown, Plaza Ballroom F

Word Document ]

  1. Welcome and opening remarks: Chair (1:00, 5 min.)
  2. Introduction of members, liaisons, and representatives: Group (1:05, 15 min.)
  3. Adoption of agenda: Chair (1:20, 5 min.)
  4. Approval of minutes of meeting held at 2017 Annual Meeting: Chair (1:25, 5 min.)

Minutes of the Meeting held at the 2017 ALA Annual Conference

  1. Report from the Chair (1:30, 5 min.)

Chair’s Report on CC:DA Motions and Other Actions July-December 2017

  1. Report from the Library of Congress Representative: Reser (1:35, 15 min.)

Library of Congress Report

  1. Report of the CC:DA webmaster: Guajardo (1:45, 10 min.)
  2. Report on the CC:DA 3R Task Group: Ros (2:00, 15 min.)
  3. Report of the ALA Representative to the RDA Steering Committee: Glennan (2:15, 45 min.)

Report on RSC Activities, July-December 2017

  1. Break (3:00, 15 min.)
  2. Report from the PCC liaison: Allgood (3:15, 15 min.)
  3. Report from ALA Publishing Services: Hennelly (3:30, 15 min.)
  4. Presentation on RDA Toolkit changes: Hennelly (3:45, 45 min.)
  5. Presentation on RDA Pop-up Meeting in Chicago: Glennan (sub for Dunsire) (4:30, 30 min.)


Committee on Cataloging: Description & Access
2018 Midwinter Meeting

Monday, February 12, 8:30-11:30 am
Sheraton Denver Downtown, Plaza Ballroom F

  1. Welcome, introductions of committee members: Chair (8:30, 5 min.)
  2. Report of the MAC Liaison: Myers (8:35, 10 min.)
  3. New directions for CC:DA: Hillman (8:45, 60 min.)
  4. Break (9:45, 15 min.)
  5. Discussion of CC:DA directions: Hillman, Chair (10:00am, 50 min.)
  6. Other new business; reports from the floor; announcement of next meeting, and adjournment: Chair (10:50, 10 min.)

Monday’s meeting will be followed by an informal celebration of Kathy Glennan’s appointment as Chair of the RDA Steering Committee.

CC:DA Faceted Subject Vocabularies Task Force

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CC:DA/TF/Faceted Subject Vocabularies/1

Formed: September 26, 2017
Chair: Kelley McGrath

Charge: Provide feedback to the ALCTS/CaMMS Subject Analysis Committee on the white paper “A Brave New (Faceted) World: Towards Full Implementation of Library of Congress Faceted Vocabularies.”

Report: The CC:DA Faceted Vocabularies Task Force was formed September 26, 2017 and discharged November 8, 2017. The group developed a response to the CaMMS Subject Access Committee (SAC) on its white paper, “A Brave New (Faceted) World: Towards Full Implementation of Library of Congress Faceted Vocabularies”, the report was approved by the committee at large and transmitted to SAC.

CC:DA Feedback on the White Paper “A Brave New (Faceted) World: Towards Full Implementation of Library of Congress Faceted Vocabularies”


Kelley McGrath (Chair)
University of Oregon Libraries
1299 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1299
Phone: (541) 346-8232
E-mail: kelleym@uoregon.edu

Jessica Hayden
Technical Services Manager
University of Northern Colorado
Campus Box 48
Greeley, CO 80639
Phone: (970) 351-2183
E-mail: jessica.hayden@unco.edu

Daniel Jergovic
Northeastern University
360 Huntington Ave
260 Snell Library
Boston, MA 02115-5000
Phone: (617) 373-7102
E-mail: d.jergovic@northeastern.edu

Nancy Lorimer
Head of Metadata
Stanford University Libraries
Lathrop Library
518 Memorial Way
Stanford, CA 94305-3101
Phone: (650) 725-8819
E-mail: nlorimer@stanford.edu

Heather McIntosh
Botetourt County Library
28 Avery Row
Roanoke, VA 24012
Phone: (540) 928-2903
E-mail: hmcintosh@botetourtva.gov

Robert Maxwell
Brigham Young University
6728 Harold B. Lee Library
Provo, UT 84602
Phone: (801) 422-5568
E-mail: robert_maxwell@byu.edu



2017 Annual Conference Agenda, Chicago, IL

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Committee on Cataloging: Description & Access

2017 Annual Conference


Saturday, June 24, 1:00-5:30 pm

Palmer House, Adams Room

  1. Welcome and opening remarks: Chair (1:00, 5 min.)
  2. Introduction of members, liaisons, and representatives: Group (1:05, 15 min.)
  3. Adoption of agenda: Chair (1:20, 5 min.)
  4. Approval of minutes of meeting held at 2017 Midwinter Meeting: Chair (1:25, 5 min.)

Minutes of the meeting held at the 2017 ALA Midwinter Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, January 21 and 23, 2017

  1. Report from the Chair (1:30, 5 min.)

Chair’s Report on CC:DA Motions and Other Actions, January-July 2017

  1. Report from the Library of Congress Representative: Reser (1:35, 15 min.)

Library of Congress Report

  1. Report of the ALA Representative to the RDA Steering Committee: Glennan (1:50, 45 min.)

RDA Steering Committee (RSC) activities as a whole, January-June 2017

  1. Report on the CC:DA 3R Task Group: Ros (2:35, 15 min.)
  2. Report of the MAC Representative: Myers (2:50, 10 min.)
  1. Break (3:00, 15 min.)
  1. Report from the PCC liaison: Randall (3:15, 15 min.)

PCC Report

  1. Report of the CC:DA webmaster: Guajardo (3:30, 10 min.)
  2. Report from ALA Publishing Services: Hennelly (3:40, 15 min.)
  1. Presentation on RDA Toolkit changes: Kuhagen and Hennelly (4:05, 30 min.)
  2. Presentation on RDA Meetings in Chicago: Dunsire (4:35, 45 min.)
  3. Other new business; reports from the floor; announcement of next meeting, and adjournment: Chair (5:20, 10 min.)


Committee on Cataloging: Description & Access

2017 Annual Conference


Monday, June 26, 9:00-11:30 am

Palmer House, Adams Room

The CC:DA meeting usually held Monday morning is cancelled in favor of a special discussion session, sponsored by the RDA Steering Committee. RSC will be gathering information and recommendations from members of specialist cataloging communities (cartographic, A-V, archival, etc.) about RDA’s coverage of their types of materials. CC:DA members, members of specialist cataloging communities, and other interested persons are welcome to attend. The discussion will begin at 9:00 a.m. in the Palmer House, Adams Room.

Chair’s Report on CC:DA Motions and Other Actions, July-December 2016

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Jan. 5, 2017

Association for Library Collections & Technical Services
(A division of the American Library Association)
Cataloging and Metadata Management Section
Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access

Chair’s Report on CC:DA Motions and Other Actions July-December 2016

Submitted by: Tina Shrader

2017 Midwinter Meeting Agenda, Atlanta, GA

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Committee on Cataloging: Description & Access

2017 Midwinter Meeting 


Saturday, January 21, 1:00-5:30 pm

OMNI Hotel, International Ballroom F

  1. Welcome and opening remarks: Chair (1:00, 10 min.)
  2. Introduction of members, liaisons, and representatives: Group (1:10, 15 min.)
  3. Adoption of agenda: Chair (1:25, 5 min.)
  4. Approval of minutes of meeting held at 2016 Annual Conference: Chair (1:30, 5 min.)

Minutes of the meeting held at the 2016 ALA Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida

  1. Report from the Chair (1:35, 10 min.)

Chair’s Report on CC:DA Motions and Other Actions July-December 2016

  1. Report from the Library of Congress Representative: Reser (1:45, 15 min.)

Library of Congress Report

  1. Report of the ALA Representative to the RDA Steering Committee: Glennan (2:00, 60 min.)

Report on RSC Activities, July-December 2016

RDA Developments of Note (29 slides)

Synchronizing the Open Metadata Registry and the RDA Toolkit (18 slides)

  1. Break (3:00, 20 min.)
  2. Upcoming CC:DA work: Chair (3:20, 10 min.)
  3. Report of the CC:DA webmaster: Guajardo (3:30, 10 min.)
  4. Report from the PCC liaison: Robare (3:40, 15 min.)

PCC Report

  1. Presentation on IFLA-LRM: Glennan (3:55, 60 min.)

IFLA Library Reference Model (24 slides)

Monday, January 23, 8:30-11:30 am

OMNI Hotel, International Ballroom F

  1. Welcome and opening remarks: Chair (8:30, 5 min.)
  2. Report of the MAC Representative: Myers (8:35, 10 min.)

Report of the MAC Liaison (Final)

  1. Changes to ALA Annual conference programming: Chair (8:45, 15 min.)
  2. Report from ALA Publishing Services: Hennelly (9:00, 15 min.)
  3. Presentation on RDA Toolkit changes: Hennelly (9:15, 45 min.)
  4. Status Report on 3R project: Hennelly (10:00)

The 3R Project (13 slides)

  1. Other new business; reports from the floor; announcement of next meeting, and adjournment: Chair (15 min.)

CC:DA Update on the Full Aggregates Working Group (AWG) Model for Aggregates: Fritz (7 slides)​

Report from the Task Force to Investigate Definitions of and Instructions for Accompanying Material in RDA

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CC:DA/TF/Accompanying Material/2
June, 2 2016

Task Force to Investigate Definitions of and Instructions for
Accompanying Material in RDA

Report from the Task Force to Investigate Definitions of and Instructions for Accompanying Material in RDA

Submitted by: Elyssa Gould, Chair.

Larger view of Appendix-1-Chart:

CC:DA/TF/Accompanying Material/2 June, 2 2016 Report from the Task Force to Investigate Definitions of and Instructions for Accompanying Material in RDA Submitted by: Elyssa Gould, Chair, Task Force to Investigate Definitions of and Instructions for Accompanying Material in RDA