Final Report of the Task Force to Investigate Changes Affecting RDA in the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition

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CC:DA/TF/ Investigate Changes Affecting RDA in the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition/4/Rev
November 16, 2012; rev. February 26, 2013

Final Report from the Task Force on the Chicago Manual of Style

The Task Force to Investigate Changes Affecting RDA in the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, has submitted its final report.  Most of the recommendations involve minor editorial changes to RDA and related documentation.  One of the recommendations, however, involves a substantive change to RDA which would have a major impact on authorized access points.  I would like to suggest that CC:DA discuss and vote on this recommendation; the rest can be handled as Fast Track proposals.

The recommendation in question relates to CMOS 8.159, which deals with capitalization of hyphenated compounds.  In the 16th edition, this provision reads:

8.159 Hyphenated compounds in headline-style titles

The following rules apply to hyphenated terms appearing in a title capitalized in headline style. For reasons of consistency and editorial efficiency, Chicago no longer advises making exceptions to these rules for the rare awkward-looking result (though such niceties may occasionally be observed in display settings, as on the cover of a book). For rules of hyphenation, see 7.77–85.

1.   Always capitalize the first element.

2.   Capitalize any subsequent elements unless they are articles, prepositions, coordinating conjunctions (and, but, for, or, nor), or such modifiers as flat or sharp following musical key symbols.

3.   If the first element is merely a prefix or combining form that could not stand by itself as a word (anti, pre, etc.), do not capitalize the second element unless it is a proper noun or proper adjective.

4.   Capitalize the second element in a hyphenated spelled-out number (twenty-one or twenty-first, etc.) or hyphenated simple fraction (two-thirds in two-thirds majority). This departure from previous Chicago recommendations recognizes the functional equality of the numbers before and after the hyphen.
The Task Force proposes to revise RDA A.29 to conform to this provision (see p. 9 of the TF report); formerly in RDA, only the first word in such a compound was capitalized.

In addition to RDA A.29, this issue is also the basis for the following TF recommendations:

RDA [two instances]
RDA [2nd instance]
RDA A.11.4
RDA A.14 [2nd instance]
RDA A.16.2 [two instances]
RDA A.16.5
RDA A.17.6
RDA Glossary, Tonic Sol-fa

As Kathy Glennan reported at Midwinter, she asked Gary Strawn to look at the impact of this change on the NACO authority file.  He provided some statistics, but the bottom line was that instances needing to be changed would be difficult to identify by program and even more difficult to correct safely.

Given the impact of this recommendation and given that differences in capitalization are not taken into account by the NACO normalization rules, it seems questionable that this is a revision that CC:DA would wish to propose.  My understanding is that CMOS governs the text of RDA itself, but governs the results of applying RDA instructions only when there is no applicable RDA instruction.  In this case, the text of RDA A.29 applies, and need not conform to the provisions of CMOS.

Beyond this single issue, I propose (a) to communicate to the JSC Secretary the recommended revisions to the RDA Editor’s Guide; and (b) to make Fast Track proposals for the following TF recommendations:

RDA 1.1.2
RDA 1.1.3
RDA [1st instance]
RDA A.10 [three instances]
RDA A.14 [1st instance]

For the sake of completeness, the TF recommended that no change be made in the following instructions:

RDA B.11

Again, I suggest that CC:DA discuss and vote on the recommendation for RDA A.29 (and related instructions); if there is any disagreement with any of the other recommendations, these should be raised during the discussion.


CC:DA Task Force on Place Names in RDA

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CC:DA/TF/Place Names/1
March 5, 2013

Formed: Feb. 25 2013
Suspended: Nov. 2013
Submitted: oral report (Annual 2013); oral update (Midwinter 2014)


The Task Force on the Recording of Place Names is charged with continuing CC:DA’s work in clarifying and suggesting revisions to RDA’s instructions on recording the names of places, with the ultimate goal of making these instructions conform to RDA’s goals of 1) creating an international standard and 2) presenting bibliographic information as machine-actionable data. With that in mind, the Task Force will explore, among other options:

  • Removing the requirement to record larger places from the instructions for recording preferred and variant forms of names;
  • Adding instructions for creating authorized and variant access points of places;
  • Creating separate instructions for an element called Name of Larger Place in chapter 16;
  • Alternately, creating a relationship element of Larger/Smaller Place.

The Task Force will submit an interim report at Midwinter 2014 and will deliver a final revision proposal at Annual 2014, to be submitted to the JSC for their Fall 2014 meeting.

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CC:DA Task Force to Investigate the Instructions for Recording Relationships in RDA

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June 10, 2012

CC:DA Task Force to Investigate the Instructions for Recording Relationships in RDA

Formed: June 10, 2012
New members added: Feb. 2014
Chair: Putnam


The Task Force to Investigate the instructions for recording relationships in RDA is to consider the structure of elements for relationships and the instructions for recording relationships. It is then to draft instructions for recording structured descriptions of relationships, such as contents notes and accompanying material statements, taking into account the issues raised in the JSC Representative’s discussion paper on this topic (CC:DA/JSC Rep/JCA/2011/5: Descriptions of relationships (b)).

The task force should submit an interim report at Midwinter 2013 and a final report at Annual 2013.

Status: revised timeline: discussion paper(s) by Midwinter 2015
Submitted: discussion paper (Midwinter 2013); report (Annual 2013); oral report (Annual 2014); discussion papers on structured descriptions and accompanying material (Midwinter 2015)


Task Force on recording relationships: Discussion paper, which includes both the interim report and an appendix with a straw man proposal by John Attig.

TF on Instructions for Recording Relationships: Final Report (May 2013)

Instructions for Recording Relationships: Discussion Paper (July 2013)

Discussion Paper: Instructions for Recording Structured Descriptions of Related Manifestations (December 2014)

Discussion Paper: Instructions for Describing Accompanying Material in RDA (December 2014)

Revision to 3.1.4, Resources Consisting of More than One Carrier Type (June 2015); Revision (July 2015)

Additional instructions in Chapter 27 for Structured Descriptions of the “Contained in” and “Container of” Relationships (June 2015); Revision (July 2015)
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CC:DA Task Force on Sources of Information

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CC:DA/TF/Sources of Information/
September 1, 2012


The Task Force on Sources of Information is charged to review the current instructions under RDA 2.1 Basis for Identification of the Resource and 2.2 Sources of Information to address previously identified concerns of MLA and OLAC and to adopt a more principled approach to instructions for sources of information that will work for all materials.  The task force should review the MLA proposal CC:DA/MLA/2011/1 and the related committee discussion on the wiki and discussion list. Continue reading

CC:DA Task Force on Relationship Designators in RDA Appendix K

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CC:DA/TF/Relationship Designators in RDA Appendix K/1 and 2

Task Force on Relationship Designators in RDA Appendix K

Formed: March 1, 2012
New members added: July 2014
Chair: Maxwell (originally Winzer, then Lipcan, then Roeder)


The Task Force on Relationship Designators in RDA Appendix K, will Propose changes to the list of relationship designators in RDA Appendix K to enrich the vocabulary used to specify relationships between persons, families, and corporate bodies.  The task force should review the relationship types used in the Union List of Artist Names and any other relevant vocabularies.

Timeline: final report at least a month prior to the 2012 Annual Conference.


Interim report (Annual 2012)
Interim report (Midwinter 2013)
Proposal (Annual 2013)
Revised proposal (July 2013)
Proposal (Annual 2015)

Status: final report by Annual 2012; revised timeline: revised proposal by Midwinter 2015
Submitted: interim report (Annual 2012); interim report (Midwinter 2013); proposal (Annual 2013); revised proposal (July 2013)

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CC:DA Task Force to Investigate Changes Affecting RDA in the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition

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CC:DA/TF/ Investigate Changes Affecting RDA in the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition
March 1, 2012

Task Force to Investigate Changes Affecting RDA in the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition


The Task Force to Investigate Changes Affecting RDA in the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, will review the impact of changes in the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th ed., on RDA instructions and examples and propose appropriate revisions to RDA.  The text of RDA is expected to conform to the Manual, and changes to the RDA Editor’s Guide may be needed.  Further, data recorded following RDA instructions is expected to conform to the Manual in details not specifically covered by RDA instructions.  In particular, the task force should review the provisions on capitalization in the Manual, which might require revisions to Appendix A of RDA and relevant examples.

The task force should submit an interim report at the 2012 ALA Annual Conference and a final report at least a month prior to the 2013 Midwinter Meeting.


Report: Task Force to Investigate Changes Affecting RDA in the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition at ALA Annual 2012

Task Force to Investigate Changes Affecting RDA in the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition: Report at ALA Midwinter 2013

Final Report from the Task Force on the Chicago Manual of Style shortly before ALA Annual 2013

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CC:DA Task Force on RDA Instructions for Governmental and Non-governmental Corporate Bodies

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CC:DA/TF/Governmental and Non-Governmental Corporate Bodies
August 9, 2010

CC:DA Task Force on RDA Instructions for Governmental and Non-governmental Corporate Bodies


The CC:DA Task Force on RDA Instructions for Governmental and Non-governmental Corporate Bodies is charged with reviewing the current RDA instructions in Chapter 11 on names of government bodies and other corporate bodies — with particular attention to the instructions on the names of bodies entered subordinately in– — to address previously identified concerns of ALA that “having separate instructions for government bodies and other corporate bodies introduces both redundancy and complexity” (6JSC/Sec/1, p. 23). The task force should look broadly at issues relating to the recording of corporate hierarchies in preferred names and access points, and should recommend a solution that is consistent, rational, and principle-based, generating appropriate rules revisions.

The task force will submit an interim report at the 2011 ALA Midwinter Meeting and a final report at least a month prior to the 2011 ALA Annual Conference. Proposals for consideration by the Joint Steering Committee should be submitted to CC:DA at least three months prior to the date of the JSC meeting. Continue reading

CC:DA Task Force to Revise Building International Descriptive Cataloging Standards

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CC:DA/TF/Revise Building International Descriptive Cataloging Standards
March 1, 2012

CC:DA Task Force to Revise Building International Descriptive Cataloging Standards


The Task Force to Revise Building International Descriptive Cataloging Standards will review and update the document Building International Descriptive Cataloging Standards: the Role of the American Library Association’s Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access, an externally-focused document that describes CC:DA’s work.  The task force should take into account:

  • the scope and objectives of RDA
  • the current composition of CC:DA
  • current methods of contacting CC:DA and submitting revision proposals

Timeline: final report by Annual 2012. The revised document will be published in pdf. Continue reading

CC:DA Task Force on Machine-Actionable Data Elements in RDA Chapter 3 (2013)

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CC:DA/TF/Machine-Actionable Data Elements in RDA Chapter 3/1/Rev
March 5, 2013

CC:DA Task Force on Machine-Actionable Data Elements in RDA Chapter 3 (2013)


ALA submitted to the JSC a discussion paper (6JSC/ALA/17) developed by the Task Force on Machine-Actionable Data Elements in Chapter 3.  In general, the JSC and its constituent bodies agreed that the issues raised in the discussion paper were worth further exploration, and encouraged ALA to continue working on these issues.  They also offered some comments and concerns.

The newly reconstituted Task Force on Machine-Actionable Data is charged to:

  1. Review the comments in the responses to 6JSC/ALA/17 and develop strategies for addressing them.
  2. Develop a proposal to add the FRBR element Extent of Expression to RDA.
  3. Develop a discussion paper to be submitted to the JSC on how the Aspect-Unit-Quantity model might be integrated into the RDA element set. Once the JSC has tentatively agreed to a strategy for modifying the element set, draft revision proposals for appropriate instructions for recording the Aspect, Unit, and Quantity elements for Extent and Dimensions and for recording textual Extent and Dimensions statements when the A-U-Q model does not provide sufficient identifying information.
  4. Develop another discussion paper, for consideration by CC:DA, on how the concept of machine-actionable data elements in RDA might be extended beyond elements containing quantitative information and beyond RDA Chapter 3.

The Task Force should work on these tasks in the order given above. If possible, it should present a draft proposal on adding the element Extent of Expression (task b) to CC:DA at Annual 2013.  For the other items, the Task Force should provide a status update at Annual 2013, an interim report at Midwinter 2014, and a draft discussion paper on changes to the RDA element set at Annual 2014 (task c).

Reports and proposals:

TF on Machine-Actionable Data Elements in RDA Chapter 3: Interim Report (May 2013)
Oral report (Midwinter 2014)
Oral report (Annual 2014)
Strawman Proposal: Machine-Actionable Data Elements in RDA Chapter 3 (Midwinter 2015)
Task Force on Machine-Actionable Data Elements in RDA Chapter 3 : Revision Proposal (June, 2015)
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