2015 Midwinter Meeting Agenda, Chicago, IL

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(finalized 23 January 2015)

Committee on Cataloging: Description & Access

2015 Midwinter Meeting


Note: Links are provided to the documents listed on the agenda. These are working documents and are to be used as part of the rule revision process. They are not to be copied or distributed without permission from the Chair of CC:DA.

For easy printability, see Agenda for Midwinter Meeting 2015, Chicago, IL [Word]

Saturday, January 31, 1:00-5:00 pm

Hilton Chicago, International South

  1. Welcome and opening remarks: Chair (1:00, 5 min.)
  2. Introduction of members, liaisons, and representatives: Group (1:05, 5 min.)
  3. Adoption of agenda: Chair (1:10, 5 min.)
  4. Approval of minutes of meeting held at 2014 Annual Conference: Chair (1:15, 5 min.)
    1. Minutes of the meeting held at the 2014 ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada – June 28 and June 30, 2014
  5. Report from the Chair (1:20, 10 min.)
    1. Chair’s Report on CC:DA Motions and Other Actions, July-December 2014
  6. Report from the Library of Congress Representative: Reser (1:30, 10 min.)
    1. Library of Congress Report
  7. Report of the ALA Representative to the Joint Steering Committee: Glennan (1:40, 20 min.)
    1. Report on JSC Meeting, November 3-7, 2014, and on other JSC activities July-Dec. 2014
  8. Proposal from TF on Machine-Actionable Data Elements in RDA Chapter 3: Lapka/Hillmann (2:00, 50 min.)
    1. Strawman Proposal (January, 2015) [Discussion]
  9. Break (2:50, 20 min.)
  10. Discussion Papers: TF to Investigate the Instructions for Recording Relationships in RDA: Putnam (3:10, 40 min.)
    1. Instructions for Recording Structured Descriptions of Related Manifestations [Discussion]
    2. Instructions for Describing Accompanying Material in RDA [Discussion]
  11. Report from TF on Relationship Designators in RDA Appendix K: Maxwell (3:50, 30 min.)
  12. Update/invitation to comment on DCRM(C); update on Reference to Published Description proposal: Haugen (4:20, 15 min.)
  13. Encouraging more blog feedback on proposals: Chair/Glennan (4:35, 25 min.)

Monday, February 2, 8:30-11:30 am

Hilton Chicago, International South

  1. Welcome and opening remarks: Chair (8:30, 5 min.)

  2. Report from the PCC liaison: Robare (8:35, 10 min.)
    1. PCC Report for CC:DA
  3. Report of the MAC Representative: Myers (8:45, 10 min.)
    1. Report of the MAC Liaison
  4. Report of the CC:DA webmaster: Guajardo (8:55, 10 min.)
  5. Report from ALA Publishing Services: Hennelly (9:05, 30 min.)
  6. Break (9:35, 20 min.)
  7. Proposals from AALL: Bratton (9:55, 40 min.)
    1. Revision proposal for RDA instructions for laws, etc. [Discussion]
    2. Revision proposal for RDA instructions for armed forces ( [Discussion]
  8. Multiple sources for statements of responsibility: Glennan (10:35, 15 min.)
    1. Problem: Multiple sources for Statements of Responsibility (RDA 2.4) [Discussion]
  9. Report from TF on Pseudonymous Corporate Bodies: Sprochi (10:50, 15 min.)
  10. Update on TF on Place Names in RDA: Chair (11:05, 5 min.)
  11. Other new business; reports from the floor; announcement of next meeting, and adjournment: Chair (11:10, 20 min.)

2014 Annual Conference Agenda, Las Vegas, NV

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Committee on Cataloging: Description & Access
2014 Annual Conference


 For ease of printing, the agenda is provided in [Word]: Agenda for Annual 2014, Las Vegas, NV

Saturday, June 28, 1:00-5:30 pm
Flamingo Las Vegas, Virginia City I & II
  1. Welcome and opening remarks: Chair (1:00, 5 min.)
  2. Introduction of members, liaisons, and representatives: Group (1:05, 5 min.)
  3. Adoption of agenda: Chair (1:10, 5 min.)
  4. Approval of minutes of meeting held at 2014 Midwinter Conference, January 25 and 27, 2014: Chair (1:15, 5 min.)
    1. Minutes of 2014 Midwinter in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, January 25 and 27, 2014 [PDF]
  5. Report from the Chair (1:20, 10 min.)
    1. Chair’s Report on CC:DA Motions and Other Actions February-June 2014 [PDF]
  6. Report from the Library of Congress Representative: Reser (1:30, 15 min.)
    1. Library of Congress Report, ALA Annual 2014 [PDF]
  7. Report of the ALA Representative to the Joint Steering Committee: Glennan (1:45, 15 min.)
    1. Report on JSC Activities, January-June 2014 [PDF]
  8. Follow-up on proposals originally presented at Midwinter (2:00, 1 hour)
    1. Clarifying instructions for Sequences of Plates (RDA [PDF] [Discussion]
    2. Clarifying core element status in Distribution and Manufacture Statements (RDA 2.9 and 2.10) [PDF] [Discussion]
  9. Report from the Task Force on Machine-Actionable Data: Lapka (3:30, 10 min.)
  10. Discussion paper: Production Statement (RDA 2.7) transcription guidelines: Lapka (3:40, 20 min.)
    1. Proposal: Production Statement (RDA 2.7) Transcription Guidelines [PDF] [Discussion]
  11. Proposals from OLAC and MusLA: McGrath, Snyder (4:00, 1 hour)
    1. Addition of new Chapter 3 elements for optical disc physical standard, optical disc recording method, and optical disc content type  [PDF] [Discussion]
    2. Revision Proposal on Recording Duration (7.22) [PDF] [Discussion]
    3. Proposal: Revision of RDA: Basic Instructions on Recording Statements of Responsibility (RDA 2.4.1, 2.4.2, 2.17.3, 7.23, 7.24)  [PDF] [Discussion]
  12. Task Force on Appendix K update (5:00, 30 min.)
Monday, June 30, 8:30-11:30 am
Las Vegas Hotel, Pavilion 01
  1. Welcome and opening remarks: Chair (8:30, 5 min.)
  2. Report from the MAC Representative: Myers (8:35, 10 min.)
  3. Report from the PCC liaison: Robare (8:45, 10 min.)
  4. Report of the CC:DA webmaster: Polutta (8:55, 10 min.)
  5. Report from ALA Publishing Services: Hennelly (9:05, 30 min.)
  6. Break (9:35, 15 min.)
  7. Update from the TF on Recording Relationships: Putnam (9:50, 15 min.)
  8. Update from the TF on Pseudonymous Corporate Bodies: Sprochi (10:05, 15 min.)
  9. Proposal on marks of omission in titles: Glennan (10:20, 15 min.)
    1. Proposal: Using the mark of omission in preferred titles (RDA 6.2) [PDF] [Discussion]
  10. Proposal on Date of Expression for the Bible: Glennan (10:35, 20 min.)
    1. Proposal: Date of Expression for the Bible and parts of the Bible (RDA [PDF] [Discussion]
  11. Proposal on nominative case for recording names: Glennan (10:55, 20 min.)
    1. Proposal: Creating instructions for using nominative case for titles (RDA 6.2) and names (RDA 8.5) [PDF] [Discussion]
  12. Report from the Chair on CaMMS Executive Committee meeting; other new business; reports from the floor; announcement of next meeting, and adjournment: Chair (11:15, 15 min.)